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Why are Some so Desperate to Kill Innocent People ?
by Surekha Tenneti Venugopal on Oct 29, 2005 08:23 PM

The news of the Delhi blasts has caused me so much distress, that I am almost developed temperature and nausea.
Why, why do some people want the lives of innocent people ?
Why doesn't someone really, really talk to the Lashkar-e-Toiba, and give them some incentives to be weaned away from heartless killing ?
There can't NOT be a solution- how many efforts are the top sociologists, psychologists, and humanists of the country(and abroad)making? Have they sat down together, arrived at a sensitive but strong consensus, and tried talking, and making some kind of mutual offer to the militants ? An offer that gives away nothing but understanding ?
And yes, no politicians should be involved in that, except may be the gentle Mr Manmohan Singh.
What are all our spiritualists doing, lecturing on Bhavadgita Chapters, or doing some other ritualistic gatherings, teaching meditation etc ?
Why don't they meet and discuss, try for a consensus word to talk to men filled with hate ?
Their wisdom, their learning, their forbearance may be more successful than any effort by one-track politicians.
I am convinced that all roads have not yet been walked to fight this hate-and-violence drama.

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Delhi: 55 killed in three blasts