I feel it is meaningless to highlight who is responsible for the Delhi bomb blasts. Infact the militants want a cheap publicity by playing with the lives of innocent people.
They want to establish a terror brand, like 'xyz' is a very notorious gang.. It is also a known fact that, an established brand can cripple govt. plans in a very big way. It is a planned strategy by militants.
I request you and other news(live media) channels, not to flash news like who was responsible and pump in more fear in our citizen's life.
The fight against terrorist/terrorism is every citizens responsibility. Try not to not enact channel like Al-Jazeera to indirectly communicate the reckless and brutal terrorist message to the innocent world.
Help the innocent world. Do not create a bigger than life image for the terrorists. May be they are fighting for a cause, but the comman man should not be used like a scape goat.
Help in debilitating the terrorists image. Please underplay their brand names.
Request for highlighting advances in forensic science and combat operations.