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jehanabad signals deeper malaise
by Randhir Kumar on Nov 15, 2005 12:44 PM  Permalink 

First of all i would like to correct you that it is not a cast fight. I do agree with you that Bihar has a cast ridden society. But this not a cast- class war it's a pure class war.
Second thing what are you talking about historical error in land reforms I also aggree with that the land reforms wrere not properly implemented in Bihar. But do you kknow jehanabad falls in magadh region and this region Average land possesion per family is very minimal. I am sure it is less than 5 Acers per family.
I don't understand the mind of media people. They like to call a farmer with 50 acres of land a farmer in Punjab or some other palces. They are not called landords. But in Biahr a farmer never gets his title has a farmer even though the land he posses is not enough to feed his family.

My third point you simplzy said that as there was no land reforms so poor people have sided with naxal and So called LandLord have there own army. But in this case also zou need to look into History. Nexalism started around 65s but at that there was no socalled landlord army. What ever you about Ranvir sena or other praivat army is not more than 20 years old.farmer were left with no option.

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Phadnis '; appraisals of caste /class conflicts in Jehanabad...
by Dharmendra Goel on Nov 15, 2005 09:04 AM  Permalink 

Pkl. Nov.15th Tuesday , 2005.
Aditi Phadnis underlines the agony of feudalism engendered by East India company's 18th century
Bengal Presidency's creation of the feudal zamindars , creating land-ownership for all times; that could not be corrected either by lackadaisical
land reforms just eye-wash since decolonisation or even the moral and highly tomtomed Bhoodaan and Gram daan by Sarvodayi Gandhians Bhave and JP 's Sampooran kranti in tandem..Now the trimvurate of Laluji, Nitish,Paswan or Modi and lesser goons cannot deliver justice..the agonies of bestial oppression on the poor Dalits and landless bonded labour provide tinder to arsonist in the name of a revolution that has lost its direction in the morass of castes, tribes and
and kinship...Ranbirsena , maoists , blackmailers and Booth-capturing goons sport various red/green pennants are in reality just paid touts of the old
and new Mafiosi...D. Goel

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Aditi Phadnavis on Jehanabad
by N.Dey on Nov 15, 2005 08:47 AM  Permalink 

Aditi Phadnis is brilliant in her analysis of the malaise manifesting itsrlf in the Jehanabad uprising. What we would like to kanow, however, is the reaction of the secularism-obsessed CPM and CPI mavericks who are silent on this incident and continue their support to the person during whose rule the class structures in the Bihar society remained unchanged with the scam loot available for distribution among the lumpen class as well as a caste-ridden bureaucracy. In the garb of being the messiah of the dalits, what has actually been done, consciously and deliberately, in the last 15 years is to perpetuate the age-old property-oriented interests of the class owning and acquiring all resources through corruption. The loot of the treasury by this class of casteist (and certainly communal, being vociferous about the religious minorities but not about the marginalised majority) only aggravated the situation. The totally corrupt and elitist bureaucracy has been sharing the loot while a façade of dalit oriented political slogan-shouting continues. It would indeed be interesting to see the upper caste and class dominated, prosperous communists reaction to Aditis article. Kudos to her.

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shame India !
by Deepak Sood on Nov 15, 2005 06:49 AM  Permalink 

its a shame as to how much time we have for petty things in life. i only wish if these men worked towards developing thier cities and in turn helping nation to grow up...its a shame on land of india that we have still such issues when we have entered the 21st century.

its a shame !!!

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