First of all i would like to correct you that it is not a cast fight. I do agree with you that Bihar has a cast ridden society. But this not a cast- class war it's a pure class war. Second thing what are you talking about historical error in land reforms I also aggree with that the land reforms wrere not properly implemented in Bihar. But do you kknow jehanabad falls in magadh region and this region Average land possesion per family is very minimal. I am sure it is less than 5 Acers per family. I don't understand the mind of media people. They like to call a farmer with 50 acres of land a farmer in Punjab or some other palces. They are not called landords. But in Biahr a farmer never gets his title has a farmer even though the land he posses is not enough to feed his family.
My third point you simplzy said that as there was no land reforms so poor people have sided with naxal and So called LandLord have there own army. But in this case also zou need to look into History. Nexalism started around 65s but at that there was no socalled landlord army. What ever you about Ranvir sena or other praivat army is not more than 20 years old.farmer were left with no option.