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Phadnis '; appraisals of caste /class conflicts in Jehanabad...
by Dharmendra Goel on Nov 15, 2005 09:04 AM

Pkl. Nov.15th Tuesday , 2005.
Aditi Phadnis underlines the agony of feudalism engendered by East India company's 18th century
Bengal Presidency's creation of the feudal zamindars , creating land-ownership for all times; that could not be corrected either by lackadaisical
land reforms just eye-wash since decolonisation or even the moral and highly tomtomed Bhoodaan and Gram daan by Sarvodayi Gandhians Bhave and JP 's Sampooran kranti in tandem..Now the trimvurate of Laluji, Nitish,Paswan or Modi and lesser goons cannot deliver justice..the agonies of bestial oppression on the poor Dalits and landless bonded labour provide tinder to arsonist in the name of a revolution that has lost its direction in the morass of castes, tribes and
and kinship...Ranbirsena , maoists , blackmailers and Booth-capturing goons sport various red/green pennants are in reality just paid touts of the old
and new Mafiosi...D. Goel

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Jehanabad signals deeper malaise