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America will always Keep sharpening pakistani sword to tame India
by Parmod Garg on Mar 30, 2005 05:15 PM  Permalink 

I've always been skeptical of those who say that America is assisting Pakistan as a reward for its help in America's "war against terror". It's hard to believe that even those who make these non-sense claims actually believe in this theory. Everybody knows what kind of war America is fighting and what kind of role Pakistan is playing in context of global terrorism. There seems to be a deliberate effort by a section of Indian media to suppress Indian nationalism and to mould Indian mass opinion in a favorable frame for serving American interests even at the cost of Indian national interests. Fact is that Americans have always been strengthening their Pakistani colony to keep India under control by maintaining a so-called "balance of power" in the subcontinent. Now it's up to the Indian leadership and policy-makers to understand this dirty game and keep over-self clean from dirty American geo-politics by maintaining a distance from super-cop.

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by Himanshu Sheth on Mar 30, 2005 04:45 PM  Permalink 

F16's and F18's - India's US policy is to Kiss and Please use and then turn their back to get a kick.

Why should we feel threatened each time US supports Pak - Have they not always done that. We should find our own sources or produce them ourselves. US enjoys selling weapons to both - its win win for them.

About modi's Visa Rejection - US has the right to do that as its their Visa Policy. If we feel that they have committed a crime in IRAQ then we should reject some of their Visa's too - why are we scared. We only want to please others - that is our problem and then crib when other do what they want.

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Tit For Tat
by Harsh on Mar 30, 2005 01:46 PM  Permalink 

In reply to US move we should clarify our situation to US and if no positive step taken in favour of us then we should start selling our nuclear devices to Western Asia countries.

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High Time for Natwar singh to say good bye..
by Anshul on Mar 30, 2005 11:38 AM  Permalink 

Yes. this is what I feared most.. these guys sitting on top are nothing but just some academicians . who 'by some fluke' happened to be in politics.. rather than thier political saviness. or by being mass leaders.. likes of these .. natawar singh. never really care about the country. security of the country.. future outlook for the country.. rather they are more concerned.. about having fancy spread sheets.. and protecting their position in the government .. with no real foresight to lead india internationaly.. ..

These academicians turned 'leaders'.. really just wouldnt take any risk .. (unlike the NDA govt. leaders.. part. Vajapayee. who at the risk of losing credibility and alienating india.. took the extreme steps of nuclear explosion.. ) lest they are in danger of losing their present position.. leaders of these kind wouldnt do anything which is in extreme benefit of the country but wouldnt enhance their personal or govt. rapport.. or may risk it..
This govt. lacks vision and courage to act.. its high time some people say good bye and are replacd with some real leaders..

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by chandrasekar on Mar 30, 2005 10:44 AM  Permalink 

i am extremely happy to read this article about " double tongued, double mouthed, double headed , double speaking Americans who think India is their country and stars and stripes flies on North & south blocks.
it is true that India is treated very badly compared to Pakistan and the reason for the same, as advocated by the White House is " un-relenting force with which Gen Musharaff is fighting to eliminate terrorism in south east asia ". ask the widows and the children of those Army and Para military personnel killed in action in J & k in the last one year, and the truth will come out.
it is also rather unfortunate that when it came to falling flat on the feet of the americans, the present Govt. has proved that they can do this better than NDA Govt.

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by RAJEEV KALRA on Mar 30, 2005 09:18 AM  Permalink 



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US tells india, drop dead.
by Rajendran on Mar 30, 2005 08:50 AM  Permalink 

In fact the view of writer is good. There is one more thing to it. If the bureacrats and politicians can think at least honestly, our own laboratories are really capable of doing an excellent work of producing more than what americans can deliver. We need to wage an internal war itself against corruption, favoritism, castesim, and so many isms. If we cannot correct our nation who are we to blame americans after all.

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Hidden US Agenda
by Raghu Kulkarni on Mar 30, 2005 06:57 AM  Permalink 

United States has been always about power, with varying amounts of ideologies mixed with self interests. In most cases, it is the 'interests' related to power that have won over ideals.

Since the end of cold war, While the focus was on Japan as a miracle country with cheap reliable automobiles and electronics and EU as a huge alternative market to US, it was china that was on the rise riding on the back of Walmarts as a Trojan Horse.

Huge middle class populations of China and India that power their economic and military strength are US's biggest threats to its power this century. America realizes this. But there is little US can do with China as it is beyond the 'critical mass' to control.

India on the other hand is a different ballgame.With varying amounts of ethnic and religious mixes, it is easier for USA to meddle with. The recent F16 sale ageement to Pakistan is one clear example.Clearly, America does not want to see another China in India, it may even want a limited war between Pakistan and India that will keep the two countries pre-occupied, without disturbing its business critical BPOs in Bangalore and Chennai. This is hidden US Agenda.

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