United States has been always about power, with varying amounts of ideologies mixed with self interests. In most cases, it is the 'interests' related to power that have won over ideals.
Since the end of cold war, While the focus was on Japan as a miracle country with cheap reliable automobiles and electronics and EU as a huge alternative market to US, it was china that was on the rise riding on the back of Walmarts as a Trojan Horse.
Huge middle class populations of China and India that power their economic and military strength are US's biggest threats to its power this century. America realizes this. But there is little US can do with China as it is beyond the 'critical mass' to control.
India on the other hand is a different ballgame.With varying amounts of ethnic and religious mixes, it is easier for USA to meddle with. The recent F16 sale ageement to Pakistan is one clear example.Clearly, America does not want to see another China in India, it may even want a limited war between Pakistan and India that will keep the two countries pre-occupied, without disturbing its business critical BPOs in Bangalore and Chennai. This is hidden US Agenda.