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High Time for Natwar singh to say good bye..
by Anshul on Mar 30, 2005 11:38 AM

Yes. this is what I feared most.. these guys sitting on top are nothing but just some academicians . who 'by some fluke' happened to be in politics.. rather than thier political saviness. or by being mass leaders.. likes of these .. natawar singh. never really care about the country. security of the country.. future outlook for the country.. rather they are more concerned.. about having fancy spread sheets.. and protecting their position in the government .. with no real foresight to lead india internationaly.. ..

These academicians turned 'leaders'.. really just wouldnt take any risk .. (unlike the NDA govt. leaders.. part. Vajapayee. who at the risk of losing credibility and alienating india.. took the extreme steps of nuclear explosion.. ) lest they are in danger of losing their present position.. leaders of these kind wouldnt do anything which is in extreme benefit of the country but wouldnt enhance their personal or govt. rapport.. or may risk it..
This govt. lacks vision and courage to act.. its high time some people say good bye and are replacd with some real leaders..

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