Oh, its as plain a a dot on a white sheet..I am very certain that the Congress with its fantastic patriotism and unparalleled secularism has done the country proud by having Modi's Visa rejected..Imagine what would have happened if Rumsfeld was denied Visa by India for his Human Rights record. Wake up India..Bagao Congress Aandolan is due..
Thanks for the fact-based article which throws a lot of light on actions by so-called great politicians of the past. So Mr.Modi is not the first one in taking incorrect decisions.
Also agree with ur opinion that we Indians display a submissive attitude towards US, ignoring all their wrong-doings & supporting their actions like sychophants. We need to be like the Chinese. They maybe smaller than the US, but they do control the US firmly by which they earn their respect. The Chinese have their own problems with human rights violations. But has the US got the guts to deny visa or anything to any chinese political official? No. Thats because the US cannot take China for granted. But for India.. they know we are too weak kneed to behave firm with them.
Want to be firm with US? Throw out Coke and Pepsi. Those acidic drinks which are hell bent on replacing water. US food industry has screwed its own people and now trying on rest of the world
Do not know if Mr.Modi has erred or not.God only knows apart from him. As you mentioned, I too am not a follower of Mr.Modi. But behavior of the US against an Indian like this is certainly wrong & we shud oppose it.
I agree with Mr. B.Raman on the issue of visa denial by the US to Mr. Narendra Modi. The US has let the world know very clearly that it supports dictators like gen.Musharraf of Pakistan 'coz he is ready to bow before them as & when required who is the actual brain behind the Kargil war'99. The US invites him woth open arms whereas it has decided to go against Mr.Modi, refusing to honour him even as a diplomat.
Shame to the US Government which proclaims it is democratic.
A well articulated column which clearly points out the imature acts of some of our so called secular leaders.these people are not at all concerned about national honour.Remember Mr Modi is another leader and also an indian.But our leadership is made of people with slave mentality.We must approach other to teach a lesson to our own people.Jaichander did the same and we are paying still for his deed.one does not know what is going to be the repurcations of these people.In any case chritian lobby is so well entrenchedin USA that any thing that threatends their goals will be eliminated.We have to only recollect what happened to Rajnish only a few years back-just because his empire was threatening the church in the area.
"But, it would not have occurred to any of us to seek the assistance of a foreign power to teach him a lesson"?? Is he suggesting that some one from Indian government had vested interests to deny Modi a US visa?? If he thinks so then I suggest he better have proof. Its very funny, a superpower like America who has never been a trusted partner for India, who has never been ever in the listening mode for concerns from India, forget about acting on them alone, had denied Modi a visa based on some influence from Indian Government? The new law under which Modi is deined the visa comes into picture from 2003 onwards and not long back when India or any country had any of the riots. US government has every right to deny visa to any person based on their rules, whoever he is as its their nation. Dont forget that in India recently itself some states Chief Ministers have denied entry to few known people in India on the same basis as stated by US law and the court upheld the decision to deny the entry in order to keep Law and order. If you have guts then propose similar law in India and deny American diplomats an entry on the same basis for what they have done in Iraq!
Your article would have been more meaningful and tasteful if you had projected Modi as an Indian rather than as a hindu. There's hardly any difference between you and the other shameless american Indians who protested against Modi. If you really are an Indian as you claim, glorify Our Country rather than justifying/complaining against atrocities comitted by any religion. Religion is secondary when it comes to patriotism. But I am sure people like you will not accept that.