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Regading fuss about visa issue
by Swapnil on Mar 22, 2005 12:01 PM

"But, it would not have occurred to any of us to seek the assistance of a foreign power to teach him a lesson"??
Is he suggesting that some one from Indian government had vested interests to deny Modi a US visa?? If he thinks so then I suggest he better have proof. Its very funny, a superpower like America who has never been a trusted partner for India, who has never been ever in the listening mode for concerns from India, forget about acting on them alone, had denied Modi a visa based on some influence from Indian Government?
The new law under which Modi is deined the visa comes into picture from 2003 onwards and not long back when India or any country had any of the riots.
US government has every right to deny visa to any person based on their rules, whoever he is as its their nation.
Dont forget that in India recently itself some states Chief Ministers have denied entry to few known people in India on the same basis as stated by US law and the court upheld the decision to deny the entry in order to keep Law and order.
If you have guts then propose similar law in India and deny American diplomats an entry on the same basis for what they have done in Iraq!

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?