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Modi's visa
by bhupi on Mar 22, 2005 12:03 PM

A well articulated column which clearly points out the imature acts of some of our so called secular leaders.these people are not at all concerned about national honour.Remember Mr Modi is another leader and also an indian.But our leadership is made of people with slave mentality.We must approach other to teach a lesson to our own people.Jaichander did the same and we are paying still for his does not know what is going to be the repurcations of these people.In any case chritian lobby is so well entrenchedin USA that any thing that threatends their goals will be eliminated.We have to only recollect what happened to Rajnish only a few years back-just because his empire was threatening the church in the area.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?