I think the next prime target of Alqaeda is Karachi Port because lots of US personnel are there and they wanted to hurt US interests. It is the most easiest target. There they dont need people from outside.
The purpose of this piece seems to be an effort by Mr. Raman to declare to the world that he "said/knew so" ! OK. So you did. So what? What is your point sir? That Al-Qaeda is dangerous? Hmmm..very original. And what else? That US/UK/Europe or the rest of the world could be a target? Hmmm..Thatz original too. And then what? That B Raman is a psychic? May be...
I hate to be so negative and un-appreciating of your effort, sir. But at the same time, I'd appreciate a level of analysis, a shred of evidence and little bit of originality and restraint. Like you said, any automobile could be used as a bomb; but let those guys figure it out, sir. As it is, with suicide bombings, the level of intelligence required from a person to be a terrorist has come down to almost nothing and here you are with a helping hand !!
This unscrupulous attack only widens the chasm between the Muslim community and the west, which obviously would be detrimental to the development of the Islamic Countries.
I'm an Indian studying in UK, and I know perfectly well what exactly went on. And my condolances to the families and people who were affected. In fact the whole is affected and grieving.
And about time the western countries realizes what India went through during Kargil, terrorist attacks and bombings. Wonder where was the UN or US or UK or any other western country.
Common people were suffering, and India had asked for help. Sounds rude, nasty, however you put it, but western countries need to respect people and countries for who they are, not what the economy is how what trade and profit they can gain, or whther its a 3rd world country.
They sure need to learn to snuffout their ignorant attitude which has brought them where they are today. Why did the Londoners suffer, courtesy the political leaders! Wonder when they will have their brains working constructively instead or thinking of personal gains and power!
I do agree on the ingenuity of the terrorist to time their attacks. I also feel that the US & British should also join hands kill the terrorists at their place of training. And every indian knows where are the main terrorist trainign bases. i wonder when the west will open their eyes and call a terrorist nation a terrorist nation. All of us should remind that the terrorists are all one and all of us should come together to fight it unitedly. The US wants to fight terrorism, but can u really fight someone u call a friend ourwardly. DOes this not give the terrorist the respite to plan his attacks in a friendly atmosphere knowing pretty well you would never be caught.
by Arshi Khan on Jul 20, 2005 11:48 AM Permalink
This is a reply to Dear Sam and Yogisha. See Andreas von Buelow says in his book on 9/11 and CIA that Building 7 was pulled on the order of its owner Mr. Silverstein to demolish it in the afternoon of 9/11. No bodies were recovered in this bldg and its rubbles were removed faster than any site. For me re information see the PBS documentary quoting Silverstein. Seismograph shows multiple explosions on the collapse of bldg causing spikes in geological institutions in 5 States2.2 on the Ritcher Scale. No scrap of the civilan plane has been found at the site in Pentagon. Fingers are raised over Global Hawk whose movement does not appear on seismograph. If civilian plane had hit the Pentagon, it could have made its impact on seismograph. Most of the iron scraps found in the NY bldg were of similar size for better auction price. This is generally done by the demolition squad in the US. Its scraps have been melted away by the interested parties. They were not kept for further investigation. In May 2003, a group of US pilots denied the US government version on 9/11. De Grand-Pre also confirms that there were no hijackers on 9/11 killing jets. To him, American Chief of Staff Richard Myers agrees with him. There were no cell calls, everybody aboard, including pilots and crews were unconscious within 8-10 minutes after take-off. Planes were piloted by remote control probably Awacs aircraft taking over that planes and flying them at 5 and 8 G-force that no pilot could withstand. In fact, 9/11 was administrative coup of the Neocons to hunt oil-rich Muslim countries. Dick Cheney knows many secrets of 9/11. Us has spent few million dollars over its investigation than on the Monica Lewinsky Affair. The American public and others are gradually looking into painted picture of 9/11 in their national interests. I am not blaming a particular party for this. I only want a fair investigation into all aspects of the crimes on 9/11 in the interests of all human beings. Lies must not take over the space of the fact.
Mr. Raman has simply followed Blair over the London bombing alleging Al-Qaeda without seeking any investigation. No one has claimed the bombing with authencity. Generally, the terrorists or militant outfits declare thier involvement. There is also a possibility of other agency to use it as an opportunity to target any Muslim country. Like the Neocons, he stands on the US official stand over 9/11. HE should read Eric Hufschmid, Stephen J. Sniegoski, Andreas von Buelow, Donn de Grand-Pre and others to know the inside story of 9/11. Many Americans have raised doubts over the 9/11 Report as 'quarter-backed'. Does Mr. Raman know that the twin towers' fall was not caused by the crash? Does he know that the Boeing 757 did not hit Petagon as all evidences have proved it? Does he know that the Arab pilot of this plane is alive and was incapable of flying this plane for even ten minutes? Mahmood Mamdani's new book exposes the US deal with Al-Qaeda and other terror units and US involvement in Narcotics not only in Afganistan but also in Southest Asia and Latin America? Does Mr. Raman know that Zarqawi's unit was nurtured by the CIA in Kurdish part of Iraq, out of Saddam's control?
RE:Comment/Letter to Edoitor
by Sam on Jul 09, 2005 05:34 PM Permalink
Dear Arshi It must be true that America is running the narcotics trade around the world. And America only made Zarqawi's unit strong to fight Saddam. As there are other examples Saddam was openly supported by America to fight Iran. Jihad is the idea of America to turn "Afghanistan" the Vietnam for Russia. Nobody even knew who Osama is before 9-11 but CIA had full CV of his ready with them just because Osama was the partner of CIA in Afghan war. But i could not understand your claim that twin tower was not fell because of the plane crash & how the arab pilot is safe & living when the plane is crashed in which he was traveling. Do you mean twin tower was very weak & could have fell any time, & the arab pilot jumped off before the plane crashed. If pentagon was not hit by any plane then what fell on it ?. And how the planes parts came there in such a short period. And as per you if many americans don't belive the version of 09-11 presented by US agencies there I don't think there was any chance to win the election 2nd time by Mr.Bush. If you want the writer to be realistic then you should also have to be the same.
RE:Comment/Letter to Edoitor
by yogisha.h.k on Jul 12, 2005 04:26 PM Permalink
good sense of joke ? you must be a good story writer.everybody knows the effect of 9/11 on america. author has just written that bombings followed al-qaeda pattern.osama has himself said that he was the brain behind 9/11.so please don't tell anybody about these rumour spreading storywriters.
These events are the result of the giving no aatention towards the terrorist activities and they are now the victim of the same.They are now crying about terrorism because have got stricken now. What India was saying to make the joined effort to errsdicate it and to punish the nations supporting it but they didn't paid attention towards it. They were in illusion that this type of the activities can not cross htere borders.