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july 7
by ash on Jul 09, 2005 02:05 AM

I'm an Indian studying in UK, and I know perfectly well what exactly went on. And my condolances to the families and people who were affected. In fact the whole is affected and grieving.

And about time the western countries realizes what India went through during Kargil, terrorist attacks and bombings. Wonder where was the UN or US or UK or any other western country.

Common people were suffering, and India had asked for help. Sounds rude, nasty, however you put it, but western countries need to respect people and countries for who they are, not what the economy is how what trade and profit they can gain, or whther its a 3rd world country.

They sure need to learn to snuffout their ignorant attitude which has brought them where they are today.
Why did the Londoners suffer, courtesy the political leaders!
Wonder when they will have their brains working constructively instead or thinking of personal gains and power!

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Al Qaeda again: B Raman