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by Arshi Khan on Jul 20, 2005 11:48 AM

This is a reply to Dear Sam and Yogisha. See Andreas von Buelow says in his book on 9/11 and CIA that Building 7 was pulled on the order of its owner Mr. Silverstein to demolish it in the afternoon of 9/11. No bodies were recovered in this bldg and its rubbles were removed faster than any site. For me re information see the PBS documentary quoting Silverstein. Seismograph shows multiple explosions on the collapse of bldg causing spikes in geological institutions in 5 States2.2 on the Ritcher Scale. No scrap of the civilan plane has been found at the site in Pentagon. Fingers are raised over Global Hawk whose movement does not appear on seismograph. If civilian plane had hit the Pentagon, it could have made its impact on seismograph. Most of the iron scraps found in the NY bldg were of similar size for better auction price. This is generally done by the demolition squad in the US. Its scraps have been melted away by the interested parties. They were not kept for further investigation. In May 2003, a group of US pilots denied the US government version on 9/11. De Grand-Pre also confirms that there were no hijackers on 9/11 killing jets. To him, American Chief of Staff Richard Myers agrees with him. There were no cell calls, everybody aboard, including pilots and crews were unconscious within 8-10 minutes after take-off. Planes were piloted by remote control probably Awacs aircraft taking over that planes and flying them at 5 and 8 G-force that no pilot could withstand. In fact, 9/11 was administrative coup of the Neocons to hunt oil-rich Muslim countries. Dick Cheney knows many secrets of 9/11. Us has spent few million dollars over its investigation than on the Monica Lewinsky Affair. The American public and others are gradually looking into painted picture of 9/11 in their national interests. I am not blaming a particular party for this. I only want a fair investigation into all aspects of the crimes on 9/11 in the interests of all human beings. Lies must not take over the space of the fact.

With regards
Arshi Khan

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