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What's with the sorry portrayal of India?
by Sivakumaran Raman on Apr 02, 2007 12:57 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

How come India (Kolkata) in the early 90s is shown in the movie as not having ceiling fans when Gogol and Sonia visit? That is the problem with all these films made by artsy Indian directors. The story is good and touching but the screenplay is meant to show India (but not necessarily Indians) in a poor light. Is this an NRI phenomenon? Having lived in the US for the past 5 years, I know that it is possible to showcase drudgery, sordidness and poverty even while showing the US. Art-house cinema created by Indians for the past 40 years has been doing just that with respect to India. The premise seems to be that Indians flower only AFTER escaping from India. We need to raise our voices against such portrayals of India. That being said, the rest of the movie was okay (but very slow-moving).

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RE:What's with the sorry portrayal of India?
by subrat mishra on Apr 02, 2007 05:37 AM  Permalink
I think this writer must have a very bad experience in US. I feel sorry for Mr Raman. Have you heard a story of "Sour grapes" in your childhood. Grapes are sour when you can't get them. Anyway the NRIs are not escapists. They are much in to realities and feel for our country more than anyone. To opt for a better and honest lifestyle is not escapism. I am eagerly waiting to see the movie in Australia.

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RE:What's with the sorry portrayal of India?
by chakra Gudipati on Apr 02, 2007 03:20 PM  Permalink
You basically decided to write something hook or crook even if it means nothing related to what you intended it to be.Raman said something really sensible and u must have tried real hard to come up with something so irrelavant that puts a peanut's brain to shame.really....why do you show off when you ain't got it? G*** mein dam nahin ham kisise kam nahin

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Yes, we should support...
by anil kinhalkar on Apr 01, 2007 11:49 PM  Permalink 

There are thousands of reasons why should we support this movie?......first n foremost is the generasioty of movie. It potrays the fact n movie never loses it realm of Indian melodrama...the is obviously far better than the one directed by Karan n Nikhil. The charecter talks the real life , it makes u feel the emotions of it

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Cliched Theme, Superb Screenplay
by rocky on Apr 01, 2007 04:08 PM  Permalink 

The saga shown in The Namesake is nothing new. It is shown in so many independently produced US Indian Productions including American Desi. Having said that, the movie was touching (remember the movie was made with 1970's in mind) with some brilliant peroformances by Tabu, Irfan & Kal Penn. One has to say, what FF Coppola did to Godfather, Mira Nair has done to The Namesake, where the screenplay actually exceeds the richness of novel.

However, as an Indian youth living overseas, I find storyline so repetitive and wildly emotive. The new generation of Indians migrating today to West, will not feel the same way, as the Indians who did 3 or 4 decades did.

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by V D on Apr 01, 2007 03:06 PM  Permalink 

I just want to make a few corrections to my previous statement. I accidently sent it. I meant in the thrid line that the movie Should NOT be openedn only in cities where a large Indian population is likely to reside, Last sentence I want see the movie play in my city and my demographic to be represented more in the United States.

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This Movie Needs more Support in the U.S.
by V D on Apr 01, 2007 03:02 PM  Permalink 

I think what the author ment when she said we should "support" the film, she means where the film has not opened with a nation wide release. Here in the U.S. it has not been opened in every city which disappointing to me because I believe its a universal story and should be opened to only metropolis cities where a large Indian population is likely to reside. All immigrants and non-immigrants should be able to identify with this story so what I think she means by support is that more people in the U.S. should go and watch the movie in theater so gains more revenue and open in more cities. Also I want my demographic to be represented and see it here they ignored Indians long enough in this country.

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I am not sure
by Stark Raving Mad on Apr 01, 2007 10:16 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

why NRIs popularize average grade heroes like SRK and watch all his movies regardless of whether it is good or bad, since they have to gone to US/UK and other western countries for a better life they should watch better movies from Hollywood and Bollywood and stop clinging to romantic musical fluff movies with no basis in reality, as a result of their patronizing crap people like SRK it skews up the film industry here in India by making people think that all it takes to make money in a movie is to have SRK as a hero and add in some fluffy light-hearted songs and script,plot,story,reality be damned

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RE:I am not sure
by Bharat Vasi on Apr 01, 2007 02:21 PM  Permalink
Not ALL NRIS MY DEAR FRIEND, MOST OF THE NRIS HATE SRK. It is the FILM FRATERNITY AT A WHOLE IS AT A BLAME. Initially you see 'D'leep Kumar(younis Khan) was hyped up, They dragged him and tagged him as the best and greater than Bachhans, After this they found a replacement in Khans. No doubts all the Khans are above average but they are hyped up and popularized by 'secular' media and 'secular'politicians. Basically it is Psuedo secular element in this.
The attack is not on our sentiment and civilization/Religion. SRK in KBC is just trying to ppularize his religion by using all the phrases. Yash Chopra is a Prevert, his films contain only the triangles and quadragles. Mahesh Bhatt is a lost identity in the conflict of his illusion. Karan Johar...Well we all know about is M/F identity crisis. He tries and teaches us what is marriage!

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Why we should support The Namesake
by Harish Bhatia on Apr 01, 2007 06:30 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Support Namesake ? For what ? Irfan is so pathetic that he leaves Deepak Parashar, Benjamin Gilani and the likes far behind. The film itself is overhyped, in reality being a meaningless, themeless show.

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RE:Why we should support The Namesake
by Julius Caeser on Apr 01, 2007 09:10 PM  Permalink
I disagree with what you say. Irfan fits the role to the T. And take it easy, it is definitely not meaningless and theme less. It makes sense only if you have been on that side of the fence.

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Why should I support a movie
by Srini Iyer on Mar 31, 2007 09:20 PM  Permalink 

This movie is probably good - I will watch it. But support? Why should I support a movie. Either I like a movie or not. What do you mean by support?

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