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RE:I am not sure
by Bharat Vasi on Apr 01, 2007 02:21 PM

Not ALL NRIS MY DEAR FRIEND, MOST OF THE NRIS HATE SRK. It is the FILM FRATERNITY AT A WHOLE IS AT A BLAME. Initially you see 'D'leep Kumar(younis Khan) was hyped up, They dragged him and tagged him as the best and greater than Bachhans, After this they found a replacement in Khans. No doubts all the Khans are above average but they are hyped up and popularized by 'secular' media and 'secular'politicians. Basically it is Psuedo secular element in this.
The attack is not on our sentiment and civilization/Religion. SRK in KBC is just trying to ppularize his religion by using all the phrases. Yash Chopra is a Prevert, his films contain only the triangles and quadragles. Mahesh Bhatt is a lost identity in the conflict of his illusion. Karan Johar...Well we all know about is M/F identity crisis. He tries and teaches us what is marriage!

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