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What's with the sorry portrayal of India?
by Sivakumaran Raman on Apr 02, 2007 12:57 AM

How come India (Kolkata) in the early 90s is shown in the movie as not having ceiling fans when Gogol and Sonia visit? That is the problem with all these films made by artsy Indian directors. The story is good and touching but the screenplay is meant to show India (but not necessarily Indians) in a poor light. Is this an NRI phenomenon? Having lived in the US for the past 5 years, I know that it is possible to showcase drudgery, sordidness and poverty even while showing the US. Art-house cinema created by Indians for the past 40 years has been doing just that with respect to India. The premise seems to be that Indians flower only AFTER escaping from India. We need to raise our voices against such portrayals of India. That being said, the rest of the movie was okay (but very slow-moving).

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