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Resevation in jobs whether private or govt.
by ashok goel on Mar 07, 2007 03:03 PM  Permalink 

The govt should make a list of casts and groups in the country and all posts and positions including those of MLA MP Ministers, judges, generals in army, etc should be distributed equally irrespective of the qualification and any other comptence of the person. For eg. one DC should be an illitrate, one DC should be primary pass another matric(third division) and so on. This way our country will progress fast and surpass all others in the world. Mr Manmohan singh and Sonia Gandhi must read this message in fact I feel this message should go to all vataries and supporters of reservation in the country.
Ashok Goel from Patiala

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by R.M.S. Danaraj on Mar 07, 2007 03:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Upliftment of the people from oppressed class is important.We cannot ignore them.Only 20% of indians exposed to the fruits of globalisation and education.Reservation has been implemented for nearly 50 years(may be more than that).Only very few people able to develope in those castes.
It is not only the duty of the government to take care of the people.Most of the people who wrote against the reservation just because they feel their chances( future) may be affected.

It is their responsiblities also to work towards the developement of the society.We can see that the caste system is still alive.We can see form our leaders to our friends. We have to work on some other better alternative to benefit all poor people irrespective of the caste.

The education system should

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by R G on Mar 07, 2007 04:55 PM  Permalink
So is the reservation isssue going to help those. See the conditions in the government sectors. Many posts are vacant because of there are no sutiable candidates in the resreved class to fill the positions. Because the posts are for the reserved class they cannot be occupied by any general class candidates. Due to this the other people have to work extra to fulfill the job of the extra posts. This is the scnario of the government sector. Now consider the IT industry. You are aware of the schedule of work the IT professionals have to do. They generally work more than 12 hours of the day due to the tight schedules of the project. Do you want to increase the work by keeping the posts in the IT vacant because there is no able candidate in the reserved catagory to fill that post.

And moreover if the person is talented and has got enough qualification then he does not require any tag of being of reserved catagory. He will get the desired job by himself. So where is the question of the reservation arise.

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by on Mar 07, 2007 02:52 PM  Permalink 

For all these years employers never asked their staff whether they were ST/SC/OBC - they just got selected because they were the best available. Would it not be terribly embarrassing for the companies now to ask their employees to disclose whether they belonged to any of these classes? I think it is very demeaning to the dignity of the staff to now have to tell their employer who they are.

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Stop Reservation Save Country
by Manju on Jun 06, 2006 08:39 PM  Permalink 

It is high time that India should stop Reservations in Education & Jobs for OBC. I think India can give Free education to the poor till 10th(No fees, free bus to school & to home). But no reservation. If the person does well and gets admission then again free education till 12th. Then again if he gets admission to Engineering/ MBBS then 50% fee only for his education. But no reservation please. Dnt spoil the future of India. No country has this reservation system. Uneducated and uncultured people coming and getting admission will later affect India's culture and name. No one will be interested in going to a doctor in India if the reservation exists. No one will be accepted for higher courses in US if such people gets eligilibity for tests.
Please remove reservations from Entrance exams too. Let the deserved people get the education and pooor people should be supported for studies. It is never OBC and FC. It should be Poor and Rich!


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by R Sathyanarayanan on May 20, 2006 12:34 PM  Permalink 

Dear Sir,
The power of intelligence is such that no politician can do anything to suppress it.I am eligible for general quota only.I personally dont care if politicians bring quotas for any instituition or corporates. Care should be taken not to bring to institutions like CA, IIM and IIT. My argument is very simple, nowadays graduates even engineering graduates are considered only for low positions. They will not be given the power of decision making in any organisation immedietely. But for CA's, IIM's and IIT'ans they are given that position and this is where the corporates require an able person. Intelligent student will thrive and come out even if there is 70% quota.

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by Jilly paulose on May 19, 2006 03:24 PM  Permalink 

During the last one month, I have read so many articles in the media relating to Reservation issue. All of them are either strongly against reservation or supporting the reservation.

First time I am seeing a well balanced article which is addressing the real issue. Thanks to Rediff for publishing this article. Hope our politicians will make note of this real issues.

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against reservation
by harshavardhan on May 19, 2006 02:42 PM  Permalink 

today the govt.is imposing the quotas in the educational institutions,tommorow they will impose it on the industry saying 50% of the labour force should be the so called depressed caste ,then one day they will ask for a share of atleast 50%(minimum according to them) in the management of the companies who employ them ,and one day finally they will (righteously)demand that they be made bosses of the companies who have employed them.if we yield here then there is no end to this,because we all know how the govt. or bluntly the congress wants to make a bussiness out of this where they will always be pleasing this self declared oppressed community in return for votes which will always keep them in power so that they can oppress the higher castes at will.this bloody move of the govt, has to be crushed in the first instance without or with the help of violence if necessary.i appeal to all hindustanis to join this battle for justice for a secure future of our country.

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