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against reservation
by harshavardhan on May 19, 2006 02:42 PM

today the imposing the quotas in the educational institutions,tommorow they will impose it on the industry saying 50% of the labour force should be the so called depressed caste ,then one day they will ask for a share of atleast 50%(minimum according to them) in the management of the companies who employ them ,and one day finally they will (righteously)demand that they be made bosses of the companies who have employed them.if we yield here then there is no end to this,because we all know how the govt. or bluntly the congress wants to make a bussiness out of this where they will always be pleasing this self declared oppressed community in return for votes which will always keep them in power so that they can oppress the higher castes at will.this bloody move of the govt, has to be crushed in the first instance without or with the help of violence if necessary.i appeal to all hindustanis to join this battle for justice for a secure future of our country.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Reservation: What should be done