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Inexperienced decisions are responsible for Chaos!
by Galaxy Star on Sep 17, 2007 12:11 AM  Permalink 

At the stroke of 60th year of Independence of our nation, I am sorry to say that the situation of the country is grave and unless following drastic and bold steps are taken to accomplish convincing and perceptible results, India will lay down its head in shame !
1) Everything in India is at present just fake and nothing is real! Yes, I mean it!
The large majority of poor, lower middle class, middle class and part of higher middle class are systematically cheated by the meaning less growth formula!
Mr. Swraj Paul, an Indian industrialist and one of the few richest in U.K., was very confident that merely a 9 (nine) or 9.5 % (nine point five) percent growth cannot place India at a comfortable level of economical strength! He continued to say that other countries are unable to accept the growth theory due to nation%u2019s huge poverty! He blamed every one in the country for this status right from the beaurocrat to politician!

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Inexperienced decisions are responsible for Chaos!
by Galaxy Star on Sep 17, 2007 12:10 AM  Permalink 

Such a projection of our nation shows the reality and the alarming gravity of the situation!
2) Every person in the crucial seats go on bluffing the country every year and every five years, with faulty programmes due to their totally inexperienced but loaded degrees with trips to abroad too! They systematically cheat with good English, fashionable suits with ties and other activities that are irrelevant either due to the inexperience or their vested interests! Such mockery is going on at every level unchecked! This results in handful of families assuming huge wealth while large majority suffer without even basic needs and many die of starvation! What happened to those targeted programmes with projects and schemes? Where are the funds ?

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Inexperienced decisions are responsible for Chaos!
by Galaxy Star on Sep 17, 2007 12:08 AM  Permalink 

3) Large chunks of these developmental budget allocations divert their orbital paths to the vested interests to land in banks abroad in benami accounts, while the real destination does not find the desired developmental activities in reality though on papers they could have been achieved! The present judicial system entirely support such quick activities of corruption. A client killed the lawyer at a place due to frustration is a simple evidence of how helpful is the judiciary to the common man!
Educational certificates are fake, documents are fake, currency is fake, doctors are fake, medicines are fake, buildings are fake, people are fake!
4) A large majority of the constitution, acts, laws, rules and regulations are not changed from time to time as per the needs of the changed environments and as such stand on this day mostly irrelevant and hence fake!

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Inexperienced decisions are responsible for Chaos!
by Galaxy Star on Sep 17, 2007 12:07 AM  Permalink 

As inexperienced, purely theoretical graduates , post graduates and multi graduates of defective educational system, occupy the crucial decision making seats, they get confounded at the various issues and take to short cut temporary decisions to stall or postpone the issues. As their education was with a purpose to win a race to secure highest marks by any how to secure highly remunerative posts, their positions are not secure on the basis of perceptible permanent achievements, but entirely on the mercy of their bosses, they have no alternative but to earn their good will by any considerations, resulting in no meritorial services but to pull on!
5) One of the decisions that go to prove that the decision making machinery is immature and make meaning less decisions is the reservation policy while the constitution assures equal opportunities to all! Only financial assistance can come to aid the economically poor people for education and no merits compromise can be made is the right decision as per matured brains WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN SETTLED ENTIRE ISSUE AT ONE STROKE!

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Immature decisions are responsible for Chaos!
by Galaxy Star on Sep 17, 2007 12:05 AM  Permalink 

6) If there is no discipline in one family, well, it is needless to predict its systematic disintegration to a chaos! Where is discipline in the nation in any quarters? Discpiline needs powerful and strict orders provisions for immediate serious penal action to be implemented strictly. Indiscipline can be seen in the functioning of the premier research flag ship of the Hospitals in India! There is caste and community problems etc., without the least administration and hence public service is terribly affected due to a huge chaos there! Same condition is in our nation! The Government issues an affidavit in Rama Sethu dispute to Supreme court and with draws next day! Can we see a better instance of chaos any where else?
7) Well, there were many such wrong decisions within a short span of time by this Government! Few prominent were:

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Immature decisions are responsible for Chaos!
by Galaxy Star on Sep 17, 2007 12:04 AM  Permalink 

a) Government of India conveyed that the money could be returned back to Khothrochi, by deputing a special envoy in connection with the Bofor%u2019s case when the Government did not close the case against Khothrochi!
b) Globalisation did not raise the standards of the large number of poor people actually, though Government, unable to attain desired results survive by false and manipulated statistics!
c) The policy on S.E.Z.,that is totally against the poor farmers, which can be seen only by matured decision makers!
d) In absence of suitable candidate for Presiedent ship, The prestigious, magnificent, world famous eminent missile modern technology scientist Abdul Kalam should not have been relieved but on the contrary should have been continued for the second term, as the purpose is to have person of unquestionable integrity and extremely neutral decision maker on a scientific basis to decorate the chair of President of India which has the international ramifications!

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Immature decisions are responsible for Chaos!
by Galaxy Star on Sep 17, 2007 12:03 AM  Permalink 

e) The present woman President should not have been posted to such an international meritorious seat!
f) The greatest blunder is the Nuke agreement with U.S. surrendering all information on our nuke energy production etc, voluntarily though it may not happen immediately it is likely o happen as US is a powerful nation who can later forcibly violate too knowing well we cannot do any thing against it!
g) Naval and other joint operations with U.S. is suicidal as other countries, during the course of such operations could secretly tap many defence crucial information that may result detrimental to our subsequent defence of the country!
h)These are few immature decisions to show how careless and childish are the crucial decisions that are likely to produce serious consequences subsequently! Trained and matured brains should deliberate to come out with definite but perfect and safe decisions!

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Some imp. reason why Rahul Dravid resign Captain
by on Sep 15, 2007 03:28 PM  Permalink 

Some imp. reason why Rahul Dravid resign Captain
Nobody want to leave head post(captain).. but Dravid left it... there are some secret reason..for more details visit : http://livewikimapia.com/cricket/dravid/


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As all of us know that internet & computer are just basic requirement
by on Sep 14, 2007 03:04 PM  Permalink 

As all of us know that internet & computer are just basic requirement

for human,and there are many intresting good & bad, sweet & Bitter, Hot

& cool things on internet. I found a best link :
which i like to share with u.



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