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Inexperienced decisions are responsible for Chaos!
by Galaxy Star on Sep 17, 2007 12:07 AM

As inexperienced, purely theoretical graduates , post graduates and multi graduates of defective educational system, occupy the crucial decision making seats, they get confounded at the various issues and take to short cut temporary decisions to stall or postpone the issues. As their education was with a purpose to win a race to secure highest marks by any how to secure highly remunerative posts, their positions are not secure on the basis of perceptible permanent achievements, but entirely on the mercy of their bosses, they have no alternative but to earn their good will by any considerations, resulting in no meritorial services but to pull on!
5) One of the decisions that go to prove that the decision making machinery is immature and make meaning less decisions is the reservation policy while the constitution assures equal opportunities to all! Only financial assistance can come to aid the economically poor people for education and no merits compromise can be made is the right decision as per matured brains WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN SETTLED ENTIRE ISSUE AT ONE STROKE!

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