a) Government of India conveyed that the money could be returned back to Khothrochi, by deputing a special envoy in connection with the Bofor%u2019s case when the Government did not close the case against Khothrochi! b) Globalisation did not raise the standards of the large number of poor people actually, though Government, unable to attain desired results survive by false and manipulated statistics! c) The policy on S.E.Z.,that is totally against the poor farmers, which can be seen only by matured decision makers! d) In absence of suitable candidate for Presiedent ship, The prestigious, magnificent, world famous eminent missile modern technology scientist Abdul Kalam should not have been relieved but on the contrary should have been continued for the second term, as the purpose is to have person of unquestionable integrity and extremely neutral decision maker on a scientific basis to decorate the chair of President of India which has the international ramifications!