Good reading this article. But the problem with begging children is due to- 1) Illegal bangladeshi migrants , almost 30% of street beggers and rag-pickers are bangladeshis, this compounds with the fact that due to these illelgal migrants the implications are- the small jobs have gone to them due to mearge pays given to them, like rickshaw-pullers, house servants, daily waged labourers, etc.etc.This has displaced the genuine Indians who otherwise could have earned bread-winning pays/day and some more. 2) Uncontrolled population, or human breedings. All laws pertain to Hindus regarding the population control.But what about muslims? This has given rise to poverty. 3)Too much taxations for the politicians' enjoyment- let me begin with- house tax, property tax, road tax, FBT, excise, sales tax, VAT, service tax, education cess, income tax, then untold taxes like police or hooligan taxes.. Certain taxes are of no use and only goes to the poloiticians' pockets - like the education cess, what is the use og this tax when there is 40% drop out in urban and almost 60% in rural ares drop out rate in govt. run edu. institutes? A minister goes to europe or the US, or japan picks up the taxes from there, but do nothing to improve the lives of the tax payers? I can go on but let us do nothing except to discuss here. Jai Hind.
I could not agree more with the author, the recent economic growth has completely overshadowed the more alarming problems that india is besot with, the increasing scarcity of drinking water, unaffordable housing, increasing population pressure on an already overloaded infrastructure to name a few. Its time we stopped celebrating and come up with solutions to these problems
Turuvekere had a population of 13,275. Males constitute 52% of the population and females 48%. Turuvekere has an average literacy rate of 73%, higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 78%, and female literacy is 69%. In Turuvekere, 11% of the population is under 6 years of age. Myself and 8 friends went there in the year 2003-2004. We landed there in August 2003 on motorcycles. Although I stayed with a relative of mine. We were able to change the mindset of people there. We introduced three households to Solar panels. Refitted 7 bullock carts with Truck tires. We also taught classes in basic geography and mathematics to village kids. We would lend a hand in farmer chores like drawing water from wells and running the tractor. We should them how laptops worked. Wifi connectivity has not yet arrived in the village yet unfortunately. We distributed 20 first aid kits and also gave lectures on snake-bite and prevention.
I feel each and every Indian should allocate one or two years of his busy and selfish life to one village chosen at random.
We are not done with that village yet and will keep visiting it.
We did find opposition and some village toughs tried to make things difficult for us. But we had gone there with our own rough necks armed with "baseball bats" to handle trouble makers.
RE:Turuvekere is a village in Karnataka which i changed.
by manjunath patil on Aug 16, 2007 09:07 AM Permalink
Hi, I would like to appreciate for ur effort. If I get free time, I would definitely LOVE to join. Its nice to see people involved in changing other's lives. ---Manju
RE:Turuvekere is a village in Karnataka which i changed.
by Saisuresh Sivaswamy on Aug 16, 2007 12:58 PM Permalink
Dear Vishnu Sharma Please mail me at
RE:Turuvekere is a village in Karnataka which i changed.
by Master Comments on Aug 16, 2007 11:02 AM Permalink
that's pretty inspiring! Take the lead, man.. there are a lot of us willing to join..
RE:Turuvekere is a village in Karnataka which i changed.
by Bhupinder Singh on Aug 16, 2007 07:24 AM Permalink
well done, brother, i am proud of you,, the great man of indialike rajinder singh went to rajstan and helped people to under the value of raining water andhelped them to make chak dam to store rain water,, people got stored water and water lasted for summer and they had not to leave their villages becuase of water shortage,, it is very pitythat socalled indian leader , bureacrate are just sucker of bloody system, they arenot guider to eradicate poverty and unemployment, our villager are hungury of knowledge and example,, sofar soclled leader are addicted of speeches and lack basic knowledge of social upliftment,,, we need practical person like you,, development is not far away , the development of mind and soul with survival is must for villager,,,
If the world changes and your vision doesn't, it makes no difference. If the world remains what it is but your vision changes, you did yourself and those around you a big favour. This world is in your mind.
Because his or her parents just packed a few clothes from their villages and landed up in a cruel city -uninvited. That is why !!!! This trend will stop only when city Slickers start migrating to villages and start owning parcels of land there and changing the lives of people there. Let 100 people in each city adopt 10 villages and try to change them in their life time. ie. Go to villages in bunches of 10-15 and tell people what to do after settling there temporarily. Try to bring a)Sanitation b)Banking. b)Education c)Internet Connectivity d)Sports awareness
That is how you will "BE THE CHANGE".
Clear the cities of all the slums and force people back to villages. Go with them to give them a steady hand.
RESTRICT migration to cities.
Then you will see the change you want to see.
My motto for the next 3 years is BRING THE CITY TO THE VILLAGE.
RE:Why do you see slums and children begging in City streets.
by Bipin Musale on Aug 16, 2007 08:06 AM Permalink
Respected Mr Vishnu Sharma, Have you been nominated for the Lead India project of The Times Of India? Many will vote for you.
True, the country was beset by calamities, both natural and man-made during it's initial post independence days, and one must give Nehru, though naieve, imperious, elitist and pompous credit for making a balkanized group of states and peoples into a semblance of a nation and setting the roadmap for the young nation. But having said that, he responsible for most of the terrible ills now facing this nation - especially the the politicization of the civil service, the police, and even the judiciary, making them subservient to self-centered Congress Party and their corrupt bosses, thus in the process, creating the largest army of corrupt bureaucrats ever in the history of mankind. That in a nutshell is why India is still so primitive, underveloped and poverty-stricken. Indians can thank their lucky stars for the demise of the USSR, which being India's largest trading partner, directly led to India's bankruptcy of 1990 and threats of imminent economic collapse, which led to the IMF imposing stringent conditions for lending her a few measley billion dollrs to keep her economy afloat, thus averting a catastrophe of epic proprtions - all because of govt's control of the 'commanding heights' of the economy. It's high time Govt stayed totally out of the business of business, and concern itself purely with the business of governance, leaving the business of business to the folks whose business is business.
RE:..worse off in '47??
by Vishnu Sharma on Aug 16, 2007 04:40 AM Permalink
It was not Nehru but Patel who forged a Union out of India. Yet again and again the "Madam" who controls the Congress party restricts all achievements in India to just Nehru, Indira and Rajiv. Let us rename two dozen IG and RG venues to Sardar Patel venues. For Example IG international Airports should become Sardar Patel international Airports.