True, the country was beset by calamities, both natural and man-made during it's initial post independence days, and one must give Nehru, though naieve, imperious, elitist and pompous credit for making a balkanized group of states and peoples into a semblance of a nation and setting the roadmap for the young nation. But having said that, he responsible for most of the terrible ills now facing this nation - especially the the politicization of the civil service, the police, and even the judiciary, making them subservient to self-centered Congress Party and their corrupt bosses, thus in the process, creating the largest army of corrupt bureaucrats ever in the history of mankind. That in a nutshell is why India is still so primitive, underveloped and poverty-stricken. Indians can thank their lucky stars for the demise of the USSR, which being India's largest trading partner, directly led to India's bankruptcy of 1990 and threats of imminent economic collapse, which led to the IMF imposing stringent conditions for lending her a few measley billion dollrs to keep her economy afloat, thus averting a catastrophe of epic proprtions - all because of govt's control of the 'commanding heights' of the economy. It's high time Govt stayed totally out of the business of business, and concern itself purely with the business of governance, leaving the business of business to the folks whose business is business.