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Are we really independent?
by sunil sirohi on Aug 16, 2007 08:52 AM

Good reading this article.
But the problem with begging children is due to-
1) Illegal bangladeshi migrants , almost 30% of street beggers and rag-pickers are bangladeshis, this compounds with the fact that due to these illelgal migrants the implications are- the small jobs have gone to them due to mearge pays given to them, like rickshaw-pullers, house servants, daily waged labourers, etc.etc.This has displaced the genuine Indians who otherwise could have earned bread-winning pays/day and some more.
2) Uncontrolled population, or human breedings. All laws pertain to Hindus regarding the population control.But what about muslims? This has given rise to poverty.
3)Too much taxations for the politicians' enjoyment- let me begin with- house tax, property tax, road tax, FBT, excise, sales tax, VAT, service tax, education cess, income tax, then untold taxes like police or hooligan taxes.. Certain taxes are of no use and only goes to the poloiticians' pockets - like the education cess, what is the use og this tax when there is 40% drop out in urban and almost 60% in rural ares drop out rate in govt. run edu. institutes?
A minister goes to europe or the US, or japan picks up the taxes from there, but do nothing to improve the lives of the tax payers?
I can go on but let us do nothing except to discuss here.
Jai Hind.

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