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Coaching Classes
by m a on Jun 06, 2007 11:58 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

There is a mad rush to become doctors, engineers and software professionals. The result is that the competiton gets tougher and to excel you have to have the edge. That is where coaching classes play an important role.

I do not think that you can secure the deired grades/rank without taking additional lessons.

If u wish to secure top ranks u need to go for coaching.

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RE:Coaching Classes
by Santhosh Vijayaraghavan on Jun 06, 2007 12:11 PM  Permalink
It is not absolutely essential to attend coaching clases to get through to good colleges/get though entrance exams. However, these courses may help one to get more target oriented. They could give an crucial edge to students who do not poccess the right course orientation.

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by Kshor Damjibahi Bahnushali on Jun 06, 2007 11:49 AM  Permalink 

tution classes are the result of new global enviornment which create competition in every sphare of life. To survive in this cometition people think coaching in must. This tendency is used as business oppotunity by owners of the coaching classes. Supported by the manupulative practices, this has resulted in no sutdent in college classroom and no splace in coacling classroom, even though teacher is same at both the places.This is really dialema.

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by indian on Jun 06, 2007 11:42 AM  Permalink 

The coaching per se is not bad. But the money charged is exorbitant which makes it not reachable to many poor bright students. So To upgarde someones talents the finance should not become hinderance

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by DEBASISH DAM on Jun 06, 2007 11:40 AM  Permalink 

It is very shameful that even after 60 years of our indipendence we are still strugling for good educational institutions and only our children are suffering. Why all the institutions in India are not at per . There may be a difference of 19-20 but not that much as of now . Tell me where is the credit of IITans ? They are the cream layer and obviously they will fare well . The credit goes to those colleges where they are really grooming the lower cadre students to perform well . The so called coaching institutoins are minting money because the teaching of most of the schools are not at per to compete the present form of entrace exams . This will continue until all the colleges are brought at per . This is the responsibility of our government to make a real plan for the standardisation of our education system.

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we no need of that type of professtionals
by sanjay kulshrestha on Jun 06, 2007 11:31 AM  Permalink 

when we know about that type of successfull candidate ..observed following
study hours more than 15 per day
there was no time for play
no outing
no topic for dicussion other than academic
only bookish knowledge
whatever they see first of all refere to a book, manual for reconcilation
too much away from actuality
no resistence to hold pressure
family back ground with lot of money no need of job or require to be well perform .
main cause of corruption of India for settlement of next generation

i do not think we need that professtinols or we expect gain from them . thats why most of the IITs change their proffestion because they are not able to proove themselves for those area which they have studied .

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Parents need to take initiatve
by on Jun 06, 2007 11:19 AM  Permalink 

I believe that parents should be allowed to interview teachers in school. A normal middle class family spends so much on school fees and still no quality education(Not only preperation for entrance but quality education).We need to understand our kids and not push them. Some one very truly mentioned our society is turning into a career phobic and egoecnetric society. We need to change our perspective that only IIT's & IIM success defines our kids. Our kids are human beings and not robots. Majority of these so called big business school graduates are only good in getting good salaries as human beings i have found them out to be pathetic so decide society let your child be. More of IITians and IIM grads is not helping our country. look around yourself and dont impose your fears and frustrations on your kids. Stop abusing their intelligence.

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Not Needed
by durgesh kashyap on Jun 06, 2007 11:14 AM  Permalink 

If you want to go with the herd, yes the coaching is very much necessary. However, the reasoning stops just there. I do not see any reason why an individual can not prepare on his/er own and get through the JEEs & CATs. Given the pattern of JEEs now, i think its all the more useful for an individual to develop his own base of understanding rather than slogging out on tradition set by others. Also, the parents need to realize that coaching is not a necessity. N more importantly that there is life beyond the IITs & MBBSs. There are many more equally lucrative options which an individual should be exposed to and if interested should be allowed to take up for career as well.

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are coaching classes necessary?
by haresh roshan on Jun 05, 2007 07:12 PM  Permalink 

First of all i want to say that I am a teacher and have a private coaching class.
I just want to say if the teachers teach well in schools and colleges then the coaching classes would never flourish. If I or the students are allowed to give some concrete examples and the names of teachers in most REPUTED colleges then it would be hard to believe.
If the Govt wants to ban coaching classes first they need to improve the level of education in schools and colleges.
Most of the teachers in colleges seem to be quiet unqualified or just Dis interested to teach.
As regards the fees are concerned the classes give good quality education with the maximum possible comfort to students. This all costs money and i feel its quiet justified to charge high fees.
Most of the institutes do offer discounts or free education to poor but deserving students.
So i just wanna say "imporve teaching in colleges and the coaching classes will disappear"
This is my opinion and i am sure many wont agree on this. I would be eager to know other peoples reviews.

A private tutor

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Are coaching classes necessary to do well in competitive exams?
by Dr. Vimal Kumar Aggarwal on Jun 05, 2007 06:50 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

First of all the question arises as to why we need coaching at all.The simple reason is the belief that to secure good ranking in competitive examinations,it is necessary.Here we are ignoring one important factor that this is becuase,we are not giving any weightage to CBSE/Board exams.i.e marks secured in the basic education is being totally ignored.This is pushing the students from the schools and focussing on only ranks, thus loosing the 2 precisous years meant for all round development of the child. It is absolutley right that are we going to make robots or good citizens.So the best answer is to give at least 25 weightage for marks obtained in the CBSE and some weightage for extra curricular activities to make healthy and wise citizens.Otherwise, the day is not far away when we may have more more IIT's or IIMs' but also more amd more sick and pshyc cases.So please give a blend of these two and ensure these institutions does not grow at the common man's cost.

Dr.Vimal K Aggarwal

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RE:Are coaching classes necessary to do well in competitive exams?
by G Sastry on Jun 06, 2007 12:22 PM  Permalink
I agree with you doctor

Hope policy decision makers see your response and take a clue from here.

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Are coaching classes necessary to do well in competitive exams?
by Prabhakar Waghodekar on Jun 05, 2007 06:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Crores of rupees every year are pcketed by coaching classes. Is it of some use to nation? Coaching classes have created a phobia, a belief that without coaching no fate! Toppers are toppers. Classes make use of these toppers to mint money. Society must change the attitude. Otherwise, close down the schools and colleges. Can one imagine how the students are stressed because of this coaching business. The quality of tecahing, the value addition is minimum. But we churn the students, grind them, a few excel (anyway, ther are going to excell, average students simply lose money, and this class is not less than 90%, mind well. Do we want robots or human biengs? Improve school tecahing, hold tecahers responsible, set target. Can one imagine what is volume of stationary (including publications) wastage! A national loss. Change attitude parents, society.

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RE:Are coaching classes necessary to do well in competitive exams?
by beautyof nature on Jun 05, 2007 06:36 PM  Permalink
well said.....completely true!!!!

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RE:Are coaching classes necessary to do well in competitive exams?
by rahul on Jun 06, 2007 12:07 PM  Permalink
These coaching centres run by teachers/lecturers who make 2 way income both at colleges n coaching centers.Never pay any tax.charge per hour basis.No check on there incomes or business.Though they charge excessive fees for teaching, least bothered who cant make it rather leave him midway.
It is heard that they even bribe the person who sets the paper and get that question papers prepared by their students n get fame to the coaching center.They are not doing any favour or service to society.. just minting money like any other commercial business.
This has to be stopped and corrective measures take to avoid cheating public openly.

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