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Are coaching classes necessary to do well in competitive exams?
by Dr. Vimal Kumar Aggarwal on Jun 05, 2007 06:50 PM

First of all the question arises as to why we need coaching at all.The simple reason is the belief that to secure good ranking in competitive examinations,it is necessary.Here we are ignoring one important factor that this is becuase,we are not giving any weightage to CBSE/Board exams.i.e marks secured in the basic education is being totally ignored.This is pushing the students from the schools and focussing on only ranks, thus loosing the 2 precisous years meant for all round development of the child. It is absolutley right that are we going to make robots or good citizens.So the best answer is to give at least 25 weightage for marks obtained in the CBSE and some weightage for extra curricular activities to make healthy and wise citizens.Otherwise, the day is not far away when we may have more more IIT's or IIMs' but also more amd more sick and pshyc cases.So please give a blend of these two and ensure these institutions does not grow at the common man's cost.

Dr.Vimal K Aggarwal

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Are coaching classes necessary?