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distance learning programme in uk
by sudarshansoni on Jul 28, 2006 06:21 PM  Permalink 


your article doesnot has any information about distance learning programmes being offered in uk also online programmes details should be given these will help a lot those who wants to pursue such programme

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Nice place to be in
by Prateet on Jul 28, 2006 05:52 PM  Permalink 

I did my Masters in Automotive Engineering in 2004 and have been pursuing a career in India after that. I would say if you do not have working preferences and have the enthu to learn in depth about the subject then Britain is the place to be. Till now I find that whatever I have learned there has helped me in my career growth.
Unlike few others who have written I felt people in Britain are quite loving and caring. Never ever have I faced any racist comments. One year in England has been one of the best in my life, and I always cherish those memories. It is one of the most beautiful place on earth.

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Not at all
by S on Jul 28, 2006 04:44 PM  Permalink 

I wont aggree that there arent many job opportunities after you graduate. You need to do a good search and it will take time. DOnt expect the companies to come to you the day you graduate. Give yourself two to three months of rigorous job hunting to land you one decent job.
Racism, well I have lived here for 7 years and never had an englishman raise a question over my race or nationality but yes the Indians here treat you like you are taking their share of the bread.

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UK education.. not worth the money
by sunny on Jul 28, 2006 04:26 PM  Permalink 

First of all i would like to remind the author that Uk dosent constitute only england. The facts presented by author are quiet right but i must advise the students that studying here isnt worth the money you spent. Most of the masters courses last only for months which includes 1 month break. The course is just very basic and theory oriented. I have been staying here from last 1 year and found tat all the perception I had abt UK education are far from reality. Getting a job is more difficult than it is in india. There is no guarantee that you will get part time jobs. If UK education would have been so great why we dont find local students doing masters. In most of the post graduate classes we dont find local students though their fees is almost 1/4th of what international students pay. So my fellow learning mates think twice before coming here.. and do not expect a sunny welcome.

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Recovery of your expenses on studies a big concern !
by Rajin on Jul 28, 2006 03:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is Rajin, MSc-Pharm Sciences from top UK Univ. Would like to share my exper' with you all, as a student & later at job market. There's no doubt about UK education stds, which are remarkably very high! But again its all about business, we all study for better returns in terms of job satisfaction, handsome earnings and etc..etc.. My total expenses went around 25000GBP for 1 yr MSc Pharm Science; tuition fees-13000GBP & 1yr living expen approx.9000GBP.
As postgard' student, had tremendous study load, so cant concen' much on studies if one takes up parttime jobs or else grade at class reflects! Also there aren't long vacations for pg students. Another thing, it takes significant time to get approval for parttime work permit in my case, 1/4 of my term & some had got at half of their terms, Lat' getting pt works are quite dificult and dont contribute much on your finances. On completion of program, I had to work a lot to get 1 year workpermit under TWES, but will've to leave UK by all means by end of 1yr.
So returns werent what I've invested. I believe, US, Canada and Aust' are better options, as one can recover the money & have option to settledown.

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RE:Recovery of your expenses on studies a big concern !
by sudeendra on Aug 27, 2006 11:37 PM  Permalink
hi rajesh,

i am sudeendra, I have done my B.E in Computer science and i am working in india as a Test engineer for the past 16 months, i wants to do higher studies in UK which is suitable to both for my graduate course as well as related to my current job,
so any one guide me what to do and which one is better,
guide me plz

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Dont come here
by UK Student on Jul 28, 2006 02:51 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

You will not get job after studies. Remember this is not USA and the society is not meritocratic - rather racist and unfriendly.

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RE:Dont come here
by Rajesh Ramasubramanian on Jul 28, 2006 09:22 PM  Permalink
For those who say "You will not get a job after your studies, you are being an absolute pessimist"

I agree, getting a job in the UK is much tougher than the US...but here are a few points to consider:

1. Unlike the US, the UK work laws are much more relaxed (once you get a job)

2. It is much easier to change employers and this does not affect your Permanent Residency (Green Card). In the US, changing employers significantly delays your green card chances.

3. If you are on HSMP (like me), it is an absolute delight. You are almost as good as a British Citizen (except the right to benefits from the state.....who wants that anyway)

4. There is hardly any racsim here. I wont say its NIL, but then dont we have racsim in India?? (Brahmins, Dalits, Caste, Creed, North Indian, South Indian, etc)

I studied at Sheffield University for a Masters degree in Information Systems and am currently employed with a leading telecom company.

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by mayank sinha on Jul 28, 2006 02:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

hi there,
i am presently studying at warwick university, UK and having a pretty good time. There are a few things that one should be clear of before coming here:
1) If you want to work part time, then better be organised becuase you have to multi task and be good at that.
2) Better learn to cook something as you would have to do that here, because restaurants are pretty expensive if you go there everyday.
3) If you are coming here just to stay in UK and find a job then because of the work permit restrictions it is extremely tough.

Though the weather is cold but it is enjoyable, specially summers. I mean at this time UK is sweltering much like Delhi or other indian city.
If you make sure that you are focuses on your course and you are at the right university (remember UK has many universities and not all are good) you will have a great time.

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