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UK education.. not worth the money
by sunny on Jul 28, 2006 04:26 PM

First of all i would like to remind the author that Uk dosent constitute only england. The facts presented by author are quiet right but i must advise the students that studying here isnt worth the money you spent. Most of the masters courses last only for months which includes 1 month break. The course is just very basic and theory oriented. I have been staying here from last 1 year and found tat all the perception I had abt UK education are far from reality. Getting a job is more difficult than it is in india. There is no guarantee that you will get part time jobs. If UK education would have been so great why we dont find local students doing masters. In most of the post graduate classes we dont find local students though their fees is almost 1/4th of what international students pay. So my fellow learning mates think twice before coming here.. and do not expect a sunny welcome.

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Planning to study in the UK?