Hi, This is Rajin, MSc-Pharm Sciences from top UK Univ. Would like to share my exper' with you all, as a student & later at job market. There's no doubt about UK education stds, which are remarkably very high! But again its all about business, we all study for better returns in terms of job satisfaction, handsome earnings and etc..etc.. My total expenses went around 25000GBP for 1 yr MSc Pharm Science; tuition fees-13000GBP & 1yr living expen approx.9000GBP. As postgard' student, had tremendous study load, so cant concen' much on studies if one takes up parttime jobs or else grade at class reflects! Also there aren't long vacations for pg students. Another thing, it takes significant time to get approval for parttime work permit in my case, 1/4 of my term & some had got at half of their terms, Lat' getting pt works are quite dificult and dont contribute much on your finances. On completion of program, I had to work a lot to get 1 year workpermit under TWES, but will've to leave UK by all means by end of 1yr. So returns werent what I've invested. I believe, US, Canada and Aust' are better options, as one can recover the money & have option to settledown. Thanks. Rajin.