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Studing in the UK-Planning
by Korak Ghosh on Aug 21, 2006 09:18 AM  Permalink 

Studyng in the UK was an enriching experience for me;not only for the fact that I managed to top the university for my Masters programme but also for the fact that I did not bring any financial misery on my parents as I was a DFID-Commonwealth Scholar for the year 2004-05.

This is fact which is largely underplayed by all and especially the media. Middle class people like me who dont have any sort of assets have doors for loans closed on your face; even if you have assets an interest charge of 10-12% by banks here are out of the reach.I have seen friends struggle out by working there to help pay off the huge loan; essentially spoiling their results.

My advice is for the average middle class students & not for those born with the silver spoon! Please dont burden your parents with this load for no fault of theirs; there are full scholaraships available, although few and intensively competetive. U have to know it and have to apply for it at the right time and place.Good Scores of GRE & GMAT help a long way in bagging them. The British Council is the nodal information centre but the information available with the officers there is very limited. You have to try, try & try & not quit.

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Study in the UK
by Akshay on Aug 16, 2006 05:04 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hi fellow indians.

Please feel free to contact me in case you need any help in the northwest of england. Manchester/SAlford/Bolton etc. I could advise you on accomodation, travel, food and anyother queries that you may have.

All the best

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Study in Manchester
by Shankar on Aug 26, 2006 04:55 PM  Permalink

I am planning to do my post graduation MSc in operations management from University of Manchester.

Could you help me out in the knowing the standards / popularity of the course in UK?

Thanking you in advance


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RE:Study in the UK
by imran rais on Mar 13, 2008 12:30 AM  Permalink
hi Akshay...
well i am planning to come to UK in spring season 2009 for masters in management..
by dec 2008 I will be a commerce graduate from IGNOU..I wish to take admission in some university preferably in Bolton n secondly salford n third choice manchester which offers this course in very nominal fee but the education of that university should be worthed enough to buld a career in UK or India..well what fee structure i should expact for this one year course n what will be my expenditure including rent ( single room )..Akshay I understand its not that easy to answer all these questions at one go..but I just felt free to ask you about these things..what sort of part time jobs are available ? n how much do they pay? U can tell me whatever u think I should be aware about or I havent asked about...
I believe bolton is a nice place to study n work at..as my relatives who live there have told me few good things about the place regarding peaceful life n warm culture..
I hope U can answer me at imranrais2003@yahoo.co.in or directly to this blog..
thanking you
Imran Rais

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RE:Study in the UK
by Jasmeet on Aug 17, 2006 03:41 PM  Permalink
Yaar, Tell me something about immigration to UK only

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RE:Study in the UK
by on Feb 21, 2007 11:00 AM  Permalink
i m saravanakumar fr tamilnadu india.at present i m doing b.e.After finishing my u.g i want to do masters in international business in u.k.can u pls tell me what is the scope of this course.what jobs r available after taking this course.which good universities has got this course.And i want know ,wat are the universities doesnt need work experience...!

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plannig to do masters in international business
by divya monga on Aug 15, 2006 08:40 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

i m divya monga fr mumbai india.at present i m doing b com final.next year i want to do masters in international business.can u pls tell me what is the scope of this course.what jobs r available after taking this course.which good universities has got this course.

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RE:plannig to do masters in international business
by Charan Kurella on Feb 05, 2007 04:57 PM  Permalink
Hi Divya,

Let me know what details u want regarding the UK universities...

email me your queries to kcharan@rediffmail.com . Am in UK now, came as a student and working now....

good luck.

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study in uk
by sachin on Aug 01, 2006 12:57 AM  Permalink 

study in uk....or work in Uk :)
or work in ASDA, Tesco, sainsbury,KFC,Mc Donnald...
students already in uk may be familier of these places as these places are more important to them than any University in UK...and iam dam serious abt it..
what do you say..guys!!!

i was one of them... :)


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study in uk
by sachin on Aug 01, 2006 12:52 AM  Permalink 

That sentence seems familier "study in uk"
yes thats right i did my Masters in Uk and i tell you it was tough challenge to pass out.
managing work and study becomes so hectic some times..you just feel going back home.
the great thing is that your mentality changes, your thinking changes...your attitude towards life changes..and most importanly you dont take your mum for granted any more...all things she used to take care of when back in india...
i think every one should experiance student life abroad..which will bring you even more closer to your country and loved ones...

thank you..

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my stay in london
by shraboni on Jul 29, 2006 01:30 AM  Permalink 

i was in london from sept'2004 till march 2006....the initial days in london were terrible....i was in gujarat before that for almost 6yrs..so straight from gujarat to london n that too during winters was terrible experrience for me..i almost took 2-3 months 2 get adjusted with the weather....then in february, it snowed....oh that was awesome, it was the most beautiful thing that nature could give me in a foriegn land....by that time, i had started enjoying my life in london.....travelling around london was the most easiet thing...i started liking the food, though i used to miss indian daal n chawal.....so i, with few of my indian friends, used to go to west of london, to a place called southall which is a mini punjab n have all the punjabi....during xmas, there is a huge sale goin on.......so my main shoppin time was xmas period......but yes life is bit difficult out there, aa u have to wrk part time otherwise it is difficult...or unless u r gettin ur pocket money everynow n then frm home......but whatever it took, i was very happy when i was leaving london, coz i met my husband in london....n m goin to get married 2 him in few months time....

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Studying in UK
by Sharmeen on Jul 29, 2006 12:30 AM  Permalink 


I have studied in UK and my is it expensive!! Pretty beautiful place to be if you have the time to see it. A PG course can be very intensive and hectic. Not many can manage a part time job and PG course at the same time. Be prepared for some hard work if you plan to be good at your studies and earn as well. The system is not exam based and a lot of research-based assignments can be expected. Best part is you meet so many people from so many cultures. An overall very very good experience.

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by anoop on Jul 28, 2006 07:06 PM  Permalink 

Please only come to UK if you want to shed your parents excess money as no jobs , unfriendy , racist people who looked down upon indians as they still have that slave mentality for indians coz indians are modest and not very rich , don't expect much from british govt as they are running their univ to make the money from asians as british students fees is just 30% of what indians pay and moreover except 4 univ rest all are not as good as indian univ are infact standard of educ in india is world best my self studied in univ of lancaster and coming back to india . For job and exp Us/canda is best for studies

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Its a lifetime Experience studing in UK
by Ahmed Basravi on Jul 28, 2006 06:54 PM  Permalink 

Its been great for those who are studing and who are willing to study in UK coz it will give your education a international recognisation, i haven't been to uk but next month i will be filling for UK student visa na dcan be able to share my new experinece wit u all........

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