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Studing in the UK-Planning
by Korak Ghosh on Aug 21, 2006 09:18 AM

Studyng in the UK was an enriching experience for me;not only for the fact that I managed to top the university for my Masters programme but also for the fact that I did not bring any financial misery on my parents as I was a DFID-Commonwealth Scholar for the year 2004-05.

This is fact which is largely underplayed by all and especially the media. Middle class people like me who dont have any sort of assets have doors for loans closed on your face; even if you have assets an interest charge of 10-12% by banks here are out of the reach.I have seen friends struggle out by working there to help pay off the huge loan; essentially spoiling their results.

My advice is for the average middle class students & not for those born with the silver spoon! Please dont burden your parents with this load for no fault of theirs; there are full scholaraships available, although few and intensively competetive. U have to know it and have to apply for it at the right time and place.Good Scores of GRE & GMAT help a long way in bagging them. The British Council is the nodal information centre but the information available with the officers there is very limited. You have to try, try & try & not quit.

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Planning to study in the UK?