hi Akshay... well i am planning to come to UK in spring season 2009 for masters in management.. by dec 2008 I will be a commerce graduate from IGNOU..I wish to take admission in some university preferably in Bolton n secondly salford n third choice manchester which offers this course in very nominal fee but the education of that university should be worthed enough to buld a career in UK or India..well what fee structure i should expact for this one year course n what will be my expenditure including rent ( single room )..Akshay I understand its not that easy to answer all these questions at one go..but I just felt free to ask you about these things..what sort of part time jobs are available ? n how much do they pay? U can tell me whatever u think I should be aware about or I havent asked about... I believe bolton is a nice place to study n work at..as my relatives who live there have told me few good things about the place regarding peaceful life n warm culture.. I hope U can answer me at imranrais2003@yahoo.co.in or directly to this blog.. thanking you Imran Rais