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'Indian batsmen are terrified'
by raj on Dec 02, 2006 05:54 AM  Permalink 

I Agree with Donold's comments . At last there is some cricketer who is trying to look at the problem rather than pointing figures to individuals. The team should understand character and commitment play better role . At least in my view its not the problem with the talent. The only problem is adaptability and self belief. Things do go wrong and it happens with every individual. I dont know any cricketer who has not gone through bad phase. But if they show enough courage then they can come out of this. Regarding youngsters they must be given chance to improve . Raina is definite future prospect for Indian cricket. But sad part of the story is team management and selectors are also thinking like ordinary fans .Team building is not an easy activity and they should ready to face the storm of criticism from fans but should stick to what they need to do. There are million fans and every one will have own eleven . Media also want a head to fall every week so that there is some news. To support we have some fools (sorry about the word) , whom we call as experts .Drastic changes will not help anyone. Stick to what is needed for Indian cricket. We will have results soon.

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Indian pitches need to be changed foremost
by chloe on Dec 01, 2006 05:08 PM  Permalink 

Well ofcourse our Indian Batsmen are not terrified. I wonder who is the culprit?? Have they been provided the pitches needed to face international pitches....??? No ofcourse. Hence they are not capable of producing fast bowlers. They should be provided international pitches which inturn would bring about a lot of fast bowling and thus be in par with the other great cricketing countries

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by Hemant on Dec 01, 2006 04:25 PM  Permalink 

The comment of Allan is again in line that we should have some left handers, particularly at the top who will force the bowlers to adjust their length and line.Also we should have some depth in our batting,so that when one Sehbag or Dravid or Tendulkar fails, somebody else can take over.Thus the need for Laxman,Ganguly or Yuvraj.I don't agree with Allan that we have to keep on giving chances to our young bets and they keep on failing.The courage comes naturally and also with experience.How can you expect to show tremendous courage by Raina,Mongia,kaif when they don't understand how to adjust their shot!It was also the same with Sachin when he could not take his bat away and you feel sad for him.But the main point is true, we are not showing the guts that is needed to score in these condition!

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Allan Donald
by Ashish Kavimandan on Dec 01, 2006 02:27 PM  Permalink 

Instead of offering his musings about the Indian Cricket Team, Allan Donald should focus more on his own job - commentrating.
He must remember what kind of arrogant behaviour he has put up on the cricket field during his playing days, especially when hit around by batsmen. His comments at times have a rascist flavour to them

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Ganguly ..Laxman are keys
by Gopal Jee on Dec 01, 2006 10:44 AM  Permalink 

India will win only when its key batsmen try to be at crease . Youngsters can't be blamed and it's duty of key player like sachin and sehwag to play their natural game and support younsters.
After Laxman and Ganguly,it can be assumed that situation will be improved and our team will come up with a good result.Tournament is a golden opportunity for Ganguly and Laxman to show themselves.
For Both of Player, it won't be easy to play without pressure, but both are very much experienced and we should assume that they will entertain us.

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Please prove your self
by Ramesh on Dec 01, 2006 02:50 AM  Permalink 


Criticism will be there, dont listen to others. Please try to win the last two matches and prove your self.

Wish you all the sucess.


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'Indian batsmen are terrified'
by labrea on Nov 30, 2006 10:28 PM  Permalink 

Not just lacking courage, but stamina - they're a bunch of 'girlie-men' - afraid of even their own shadows, easy targets once they step in front of the wicket, even from the slightest bouncer. Oh, the ignominy of it all - worse than the agony of defeat. For shame!

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Team India lacks temperament
by Suhail Khalil on Nov 30, 2006 09:07 PM  Permalink 

I still feel that India has got the required talent but they are surely lacking the temperament, no one else could be blamed for this except the coach Greg. Loosing One or two early wickets they start loosing hope as now no one can rescue them and they are going to loose. Even tendulkar (so called no 1 batsmen) all of a sudden forgot how to bat, the way he got out in the 4th one dayer at port elizabeth is pathetic, he cant even decide on time to leave a ball or go at it. This all shows that its all pressure building on them and until they come out of the shackle they cannot play their natural game. Entire team india should learn from shewag, dhoni and pathan, the way they play, no matter how worse the situation they play like true champions (though not the greatest of techniques but great temperament and killing instinct) this instinct should be there in each and every player, if they want to come even close to top 4 teams in world cup.

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He who has a brave heart wins.....!
by Frank Cherian on Nov 30, 2006 06:59 PM  Permalink 

Allan is absolutely right. One can have the best of technique and intentions.....but in the end its the one who is brave of heart that wins. Our best talent has of late come up with the routine of dangling a limp bat out to the ball that is too wide or too high, or of playing on the back foot rather than showing spirit and heart by playing off the front foot. Intimidating a fast bowler is a sure way of returning some of his own medicine and quickly deflating his ego...resulting in a total disruption of accurate line, length and speed.
Thank you for your honest evaluation Allan.
Frank cherian -USA

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A design to confuse
by MSR on Nov 30, 2006 06:15 PM  Permalink 

Reading the articles, all that I could decipher is throw as much confusion as possible into the Indian camp who are already searching for answers. I do not know how many foreigners want to give a thrashing (in the name of advice) to Indian team and collecting a fee from the same guys!. This is very smart. Let me predict something for SA which if it tries to go to the world cup with a high based on these wins, is going to be utterly surprised bcos this same Indian team will beat them in the world cup. So, give advice to your players and start opening an account from that side as well!

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