I still feel that India has got the required talent but they are surely lacking the temperament, no one else could be blamed for this except the coach Greg. Loosing One or two early wickets they start loosing hope as now no one can rescue them and they are going to loose. Even tendulkar (so called no 1 batsmen) all of a sudden forgot how to bat, the way he got out in the 4th one dayer at port elizabeth is pathetic, he cant even decide on time to leave a ball or go at it. This all shows that its all pressure building on them and until they come out of the shackle they cannot play their natural game. Entire team india should learn from shewag, dhoni and pathan, the way they play, no matter how worse the situation they play like true champions (though not the greatest of techniques but great temperament and killing instinct) this instinct should be there in each and every player, if they want to come even close to top 4 teams in world cup.