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'Indian batsmen are terrified'
by raj on Dec 02, 2006 05:54 AM

I Agree with Donold's comments . At last there is some cricketer who is trying to look at the problem rather than pointing figures to individuals. The team should understand character and commitment play better role . At least in my view its not the problem with the talent. The only problem is adaptability and self belief. Things do go wrong and it happens with every individual. I dont know any cricketer who has not gone through bad phase. But if they show enough courage then they can come out of this. Regarding youngsters they must be given chance to improve . Raina is definite future prospect for Indian cricket. But sad part of the story is team management and selectors are also thinking like ordinary fans .Team building is not an easy activity and they should ready to face the storm of criticism from fans but should stick to what they need to do. There are million fans and every one will have own eleven . Media also want a head to fall every week so that there is some news. To support we have some fools (sorry about the word) , whom we call as experts .Drastic changes will not help anyone. Stick to what is needed for Indian cricket. We will have results soon.

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'Indian batsmen are terrified'