You are trying to defend the indefensible. There is no way any one can justify the religious fanaticism and/or the absurdities int he so-called holy books. So pl come out of the religious dogmas. This is applicable to the believers in other faiths also. Any one can find any number of loopholes in the faiths and pose questions (abusive and non-abusive also).
If your religion is good, you practice the same. We have the freedom to believe in any god and not to beleive also.
RE:@ younus siddique
by Lotan Potan on Apr 28, 2008 02:55 PM Permalink
Problem with these people is that they force others to their evil ideology. Like they have done with Hindus in Pakistan as I read in the UN Human rights report. The only thing that gave me immense pleasure was that 95% of Paki Hindus converted to Christianity and now there is a sizeable population fo Paki Christians. I belive Christianity is a noble religion and I am happy for my Paki Hindu brothers.
At the same time I cannot forgive those Muslim criminals who committed endless crimes. I can guiltfree nuke Pakistan only thing that stops me is the Christian population of Pakistan.
RE:@ younus siddique
by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 02:59 PM Permalink
Compared to any religion in the world, hinduism is the most liberal. I am not saying this just because I am a hindu. We do not have to listen to any high priest nor can they harm us in any way where as the Christians are dependent on their Chruches right from the time of Baptism till burial in the cemetry and the muslims are in constant fear of one fatwa or another from some obscure mullahs!
And so far as the principles of any religion is concerned, it seems that Buddhism is much better than any other as they beleive in the well being of all livng things (not just humanbeings).
RE:@ younus siddique
by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 02:59 PM Permalink
its only you HINDUS think that i am trying to defend the indefensible ....
come and check it out ..come out of your well and see the world ....
your existance is not at all regarded by any nation one respect or care about HINDUISM ......HINDUS are nothing but born slaves as per WHITES ....they look at your religion as a cult and laugh on your comic stories about myth and GODS ......
HINDUISM is not at all a religion .....its just a theorey written by every TOM DICK AND HARRY in every ages ........
some says that HINDUISM is just a way of life ...some says THAT HINDU GODS DO EXIST and MYTH still EXISTS contradict your own statements ...first decide what HINDUISM is ........
by the way ...there is nothing called HINDUISM ....INDIAN REGION is called as HIND by ARABS ........and teh poeple live here are HINDIS or HINDUS .....people started calling the religion followed by HINDI's as HINDUISM ...
so the name of your religion was given by MIDDLE EASTERSN or ARABS cant even name your own religion ...
RE:RE:@ younus siddique
by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 03:06 PM Permalink
Mr. younus, I am not fond of even Hinduism but why don't you realize the fact that it has survived the onslaught of Semitic religions for nearly 1000 years (nearly 700 years of rule by the Islamic invaders and nearly 200 years of rule by the European Christians and their missionaries)? Still the majority in our Country are "hindus" That itself is proof of the inherent strength of our native culture.
Why do you take pround in the legacy of the invaders? The muslim rulers were also not much better than the politicians we see today. Once having established, they were interested only in amassing wealth, filling up their harems with beautiful women, building monuments, etc. Had they cared for the common muslims, there was no need for "Sachar committee" and things like that.
The world "hindu" is derived from the name of river "Sindhu" and was used by the West Asian traders for describing those lived in the vicinity of that river. What difference it makes whether the name is given by one person (like Islam and Christianity) or by a group of traders?
RE:@ younus siddique
by Lotan Potan on Apr 28, 2008 03:12 PM Permalink
Siddiqui is wrong. According to a worldwide poll conducted by CNN and BBC India and Hinduism was top favored even more than France by people all across Europe/America/Canada.
All islamic countries came at the bottom, with specially Pakistan and Iran at bottommost.
Major polls in UK show people dont want Muslims to live in UK. US citizens in majority polls hate Islam.
Indian Culture was rated as the third most loved and appreciated all across the world thanks to Bollywood that is seen across middle east, europe, russia and USA.
you are wrong ...come to US or go to any part of EUROPE ...
HINDUISM is nothing but a JOKE for them ...and HINDU EPICS are just a comic book ....
as for your INFORMATION ...
its MUSLIM culture which was adopted by INDIANS and called as INDIAN CULTURE .....Hindus started using GHUNGHAT only after MUSLIMS introduced the culture of PARDA .....
if you want you can check the HINDU CULTURE in KAMASUTRA MOVIE ...which was abolished after MUSLIM INVASION.
RE:@ younus siddique
by Lotan Potan on Apr 28, 2008 03:38 PM Permalink
Younus I am a US Green Card Holder. I know more US Christians than you know Muslims.
well you dont seems to be a US citizen with your posts ....well i got the citizen ship before you born dont talk about americans atleast infront of me ..
RE:@ younus siddique
by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 03:34 PM Permalink
Mr. Younus, all religions are based on a bunch of lies. The Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam the more so). Why are you again and again harping on the religions? They have no real meaning in today's world. Why can't you treat a fellow humanbing as he is rather than looking at him thru the prism of religion?
RE:@ younus siddique
by speekingthetruth on Apr 28, 2008 03:48 PM Permalink
How come only Younis is protesting for the sake of ISLAM! Why no Khan's namely ShahRuk ,Amir Salman and last but not the least Saif Ali Kahan! not protesting at all!!
In fact they are enjoying all the Peace and Goodness that all the Hindus have for all ManKind and the Living!!
Younis are you paid heavly by any pakistani organisation for Peace!! Since i feel they were able to influence your lothy self due to there Greed and Hatred for not making it into Bharath .. The land of Peace and Truth.All thing here Holy as long as you live in peace and speek the Truth!