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RE:@ younus siddique
by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 02:59 PM

its only you HINDUS think that i am trying to defend the indefensible ....

come and check it out ..come out of your well and see the world ....

your existance is not at all regarded by any nation one respect or care about HINDUISM ......HINDUS are nothing but born slaves as per WHITES ....they look at your religion as a cult and laugh on your comic stories about myth and GODS ......

HINDUISM is not at all a religion .....its just a theorey written by every TOM DICK AND HARRY in every ages ........

some says that HINDUISM is just a way of life ...some says THAT HINDU GODS DO EXIST and MYTH still EXISTS contradict your own statements ...first decide what HINDUISM is ........

by the way ...there is nothing called HINDUISM ....INDIAN REGION is called as HIND by ARABS ........and teh poeple live here are HINDIS or HINDUS .....people started calling the religion followed by HINDI's as HINDUISM ...

so the name of your religion was given by MIDDLE EASTERSN or ARABS cant even name your own religion ...

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