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Indian Hockey
by Cdr.SK Rai (IN-Retd.) on Dec 11, 2006 10:18 AM   Permalink

India is full of talented sportsmen,but it is cuel to see that in every sports body we find either shrewd politician or politically backed influential personality, who have neither played a the game nor have the basic knowledge to hunt & motivate the talented players. We get feeble-minded & self-centred bosses of for each sports body who runs with the help of few psycophants and has no commitment towards the Nation.
A Federation must be allocated and periodically rotated for an effective control and producing the results.The Head of a ferderation must be from the disciplined body, e.g. Hockey be brought under the Chairmanship of the Chief of Army Staff(3 yrs)& Chairman of Indian Airlines(3yrs).
Similarly Athletics -IndianArmy/Indian Railways, Boxing- Indian Army /Indian Airforce,
Cycling-CISF / ITBP
Rowing- Indian Navy / Coast Guard
Shooting-Indian Army / Border Security Force
Equestrianism- Indian Army
Yachting -Indian Navy(Chief of Naval Staff)
One must believe that any sports can progress under a Government Body which is accountable to the nation. Here we dont even question these Heads of Sports Federation who bring indignity to India.? Are they accountable.?

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India out of Asiad men's hockey