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Indian Hockey
by Cdr.SK Rai (IN-Retd.) on Dec 11, 2006 10:18 AM

India is full of talented sportsmen,but it is cuel to see that in every sports body we find either shrewd politician or politically backed influential personality, who have neither played a the game nor have the basic knowledge to hunt & motivate the talented players. We get feeble-minded & self-centred bosses of for each sports body who runs with the help of few psycophants and has no commitment towards the Nation.
A Federation must be allocated and periodically rotated for an effective control and producing the results.The Head of a ferderation must be from the disciplined body, e.g. Hockey be brought under the Chairmanship of the Chief of Army Staff(3 yrs)& Chairman of Indian Airlines(3yrs).
Similarly Athletics -IndianArmy/Indian Railways, Boxing- Indian Army /Indian Airforce,
Cycling-CISF / ITBP
Rowing- Indian Navy / Coast Guard
Shooting-Indian Army / Border Security Force
Equestrianism- Indian Army
Yachting -Indian Navy(Chief of Naval Staff)
One must believe that any sports can progress under a Government Body which is accountable to the nation. Here we dont even question these Heads of Sports Federation who bring indignity to India.? Are they accountable.?

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India out of Asiad men's hockey