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A suggestion to the Southern boys
by snpost on May 07, 2008 01:33 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

TN and kerala government have to show the way for a political settlement in neighbouring Sri Lanka. They cannot expect Delhi to do everything for them.
There are various ways to solve this problem - 1. devolution package to Tamils in Sri Lanka.
2. a new Indian state formed from the tamil part of sri lanka
3. Armed the Tamils in Sri Lanka and let them defend themselves properly.

I have learned recently that the 20,000-40,000 foot soldiers of the LTTE are volunteers. i.e. they are not paid. Thie means that they are fighting for a cause they believe in.
I rember reading the war of independence of America - where a rag tag army of volunteer beat the best professional army at that time- the reason being that the rag tag army of volunteer believed in their cause and were willing to inovate in the battle field and more willing to make the untimate sacrifice than the paid british soldiers.

Back to the Tamils foot soldiers in Sri Lanka- I do not believe its fair to called these volunteers terrorist.

It's up to Tamil Nadu and aslo kerala politicians to solve this mess - because of etnicity.
If Tamil Nadu/Chennai wants to become the capital of the South, then they cannot expect Delhi politicians to solve a problem specific to the south - the solution has to come from the politicians in the south. And Delhi will listen.

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  RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by Rash Group on May 07, 2008 02:48 PM   Permalink
People r not joining LTTE voluntarily. They use the innocent gullible public as a shield for their nasty terrorist activities. They are also forcibly recruiting children forcing them with cyanide capsules. This has been confirmed by International human rights watch and Redcross themselves. Sheer cowardice!!

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  RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by snpost on May 07, 2008 02:50 PM   Permalink
How do you force 20,000 to 40,000 foot soldiers to join a rag tag army? And how do you tell them - by the way you will not get paid either?

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  RE:RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by Rash Group on May 07, 2008 02:54 PM   Permalink
Its not difficult for a rowdy mob to kidnap children at gunpoint particularly in LTTE controlled areas and then use them as shield. That coward scoundrel prabhakaran is sitting somewhere enjoying with his wife, whereas the gullible LTTE fools fight for a lost cause losing their families and happiness.

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  RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by snpost on May 07, 2008 02:59 PM   Permalink
Do you think if you have 20,000 to 40,000 prisoners and then you armed them - then they will rapidly turn on you.
Why do these guys never ever run from a battle field either?
Don't you think there must be another reason for such a behaviour?
I donot believe this is cowardism but more to do with a warrior mentality.

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  RE:RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by Rash Group on May 07, 2008 03:04 PM   Permalink
If they run from the battlefield, LTTE goons will kill them. If prabhakaran has any manliness left in him, he should also join the fight, which he wont do. LTTE has killed more tamils than srilanka army. It has been mentioned by International Committee of Red cross (ICRC) and Human Rights watch operating out of USA & Europe.

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  RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on May 07, 2008 04:23 PM   Permalink
Mr Rash group think. Even after around 17000 LTTE cadres have been killed and ager vast untold harship dispplacement ethnic cleansing and mass migration the native Eelam people overwhelmingly support the LTTE. They may not agree with al what it does but they still support the organisation. Which shows that they trus that LTTE despits allits shortcomings is the only organisation protecting them/ As they have noticed al other organisations have ended up as quislings. The latest is the Karuna/Pillaiyan group, their action is going to cost the eastern Tamils thoer land and identity.

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  RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on May 07, 2008 02:17 PM   Permalink
Are you aware India opposed the move by European countries to bring a resolution in the United Nations against gross violaton of Human Rights by the Sri Lankan government. The arguments placed by India for granting the sofr loan of $200 million to Sri Lanka to fight the LTTE and against the UN resolution is to strenthen bilateral relations with Sri Lanka and to neutralise the role played by Pakistan and China. This rings hollow and is unjustifiable and unreasonable read Vaikos's letter to the Indian Prime Minister.

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  RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by snpost on May 07, 2008 02:31 PM   Permalink
No - its been kept very quiet.
Why has the Indian public not been informed about such a news?
A $200 million pound will not go very far in a conflict - the SL army has about 100,000 -150,000 soldiers active- that need to be paid. They are fighting a war in the North - so they have to transport everything, food, ammunition, fuel etc).
Divide $200,000,000 by 365 days.
Thats not a lot of money - its not even enough to pay for the soldiers pay- they are a professional army- these guys need to get paid.
India does not do anything without careful thinking from now- specially with Sri lanka. (that's what I believe anyway).
The loan is just peanuts -
It's the "India opposed the move by European countries to bring a resolution in the United Nations against gross violaton of Human Rights by the Sri Lankan government" - that I found shocking. where were the politicians in the Tamil Nadu or kerala doing?

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  RE:RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by snpost on May 07, 2008 02:52 PM   Permalink
Thinking about this furter?
Why has this $200 million not been used to set up IT park in Bihar to bring investmentin Bihar instead of buying bullets for a foreign army?
Bloody congress.

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