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by Kumar on Mar 20, 2008 03:52 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dear Karnataka voters,

Do you lime a communal violences similar to Gujarat?

Do you see power greedy people in politics?

Do you like starvations in your state?

Do you wants all the IT companies will runover from Bangalore ?

Do you like stone age?

Do you need Electrions frequently?

Do you somebody hijak a aircraft from Bangalore(new) airport?

Do you like the terrorist strikes down to Vidhana sowda?

If your answer is YES, Please vote to BJP

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by DRR RS on Mar 20, 2008 04:10 PM   Permalink
YES. We will vote for BJP

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by Pappu on Mar 20, 2008 03:55 PM   Permalink
then ready to diey from MUSLIM idiot, who has killed 200 hundered people alive then only communal violences started.

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by ASHRAF NATHER on Mar 20, 2008 04:06 PM   Permalink
Dear Pappu,

I thing U Idiot only have divided the country, before BJP, their no Muslim and hindu issue, U r the one always interest in communal issue, becoz of that u r taking advantage. pls better come with good idea. u have saw only one muslim president, that is Dr.Kalam, u know how he surved for the country. U dont know their is crore of muslim, like Kalam. U people never understand.

u people are idiot.

i love india


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by Subash Shukla on Mar 20, 2008 10:00 PM   Permalink
Ashraf, President Abdul Kalam was nominated by BJP/NDA and when for the second term he was rejected by Congress as Kalam refused to be a Rubber STamp so the Congress/UPA brought in Pratibha Patil. Secondly, we did not have a Muslim President for the first time. We had before him "Zakir Hussain" and Fakruddin Ali Ahmed as President of India. This is not to deny the fact that both of them were Rubber STamps of Congress. Please educate and enlighten yourself before making comments on this message board.

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by RAGHAVENDRA NARAYANA on Mar 20, 2008 03:54 PM   Permalink
Yes, list is small compared to other political parties. Better vote for BJP and my vote goes to BJP.

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by chetan kotur on Mar 20, 2008 03:56 PM   Permalink
voting for bjp is not going to make them less corrupt..

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by Prakash Nair on Mar 20, 2008 03:56 PM   Permalink
I know how you got brainwashed with congress middlemen. I dont want to happen it for the kannadigas. So v will vote for BJP in Karnataka.
You keep your "forward" thoughts with you and take the states like Bengal really Backward..!!!
Pity you..!!!

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by Narwekar on Mar 20, 2008 05:31 PM   Permalink
Dear Kumar or whatever it is (may be Khan or John truely speaking)
In karnataka every time communal violence started by Muslim goonda, uneducated loafers. (Right from Independance time)

Starvation & suicide of farmers are in congress run states only.

IT companies started & progressed due union government policy at centre while BJP was in Power.

National higways of international standard was mooted, constructed under strict follow up of Maj Kandoori, Surface transport minister of BJP GOVERNMENT.

Frequent elections are due to Congress treachery by paying Devegowda and Kumaraswamy to revolt.

Hijack of air craft from bangalore can be done only by a fanatic Muslim with all blessings & support from congress to get release of Muslim terrorist and may be afzal guru.

Already terrorists are taking training around many durgas (many of them constructed over the dead bodies of some animals) inside forests of Karnataka. There is no doubt that whether BJP or Cong comes there will be many terrorist strikes in karnataka.

All these can be prevented only if BJP comes to power. Police have been restrained by successive governments of congresss and Janata Dal.

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by Lopesh Desai on Mar 20, 2008 03:56 PM   Permalink

Wake up you insane Hindu's & stop getting discriminated & marginalised in your own home land
Can you imagine that in any other courty in this world PM can comment like this that minority religious poeple has the first right to the country resources?
It is totaly shame on HINDUS!! Nothing will happen. Hindus are punks. They would rather elect a Catholic to rule over them and a Sikh PM and a Muslim Prez rather than chose a HIndu.As I said Hindus are totally divided and fighting amongst themselves. in malaysia it is only 60 % of population is Muslims still they have implelmented Sharia in place
There is no single Hindu identity in India. All Hindus are first Tamil, North Indian, Maharashtrian etc.There is no thing as Hindu in India. This is the way it is and its always been this way.
They keep fighting each other saying each is superior to other and laughing at other Hindus while the Muslims and Christians laugh at them and rule over them as always.
Also Hindus are punks, in Pakistan Hindus are totally converted to Islam and Muslims rule using Muslims law and keep the Hindus under their thumb nice and properly.
Here the Hindus are such punks that they cant rule using HIndu law and the Muslims laugh at them and live according to Muslim law even in Hindu country.

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by Raghu on Mar 20, 2008 04:00 PM   Permalink
Dear statemates,

Do you want Muslim reservations in Karnataka?

Do you want Belgaum and other North-Karnataka parts to be handed over to Maharashtra?

Do you want pseudo-secularism?

Do you want our state to be a safe haven for terrorists?

Do you want each and every project to go to Delhi for approval?

Do you want the current problems in the state to be as it is 5 years from now?

If your answer is No, Please vote BJP

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by RAGHAVENDRA NARAYANA on Mar 20, 2008 04:07 PM   Permalink
Well said well presented... 3 cheers... I am with you.

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by Sachidanand Shetty on Mar 20, 2008 04:23 PM   Permalink
Communist Kumar, China foot licker. See Gujarat number one state in India GDP 12%.

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by rajeev goyal on Mar 20, 2008 03:59 PM   Permalink

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Karnataka poll in 3rd week of May: EC