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by Lopesh Desai on Mar 20, 2008 03:56 PM

Wake up you insane Hindu's & stop getting discriminated & marginalised in your own home land
Can you imagine that in any other courty in this world PM can comment like this that minority religious poeple has the first right to the country resources?
It is totaly shame on HINDUS!! Nothing will happen. Hindus are punks. They would rather elect a Catholic to rule over them and a Sikh PM and a Muslim Prez rather than chose a HIndu.As I said Hindus are totally divided and fighting amongst themselves. in malaysia it is only 60 % of population is Muslims still they have implelmented Sharia in place
There is no single Hindu identity in India. All Hindus are first Tamil, North Indian, Maharashtrian etc.There is no thing as Hindu in India. This is the way it is and its always been this way.
They keep fighting each other saying each is superior to other and laughing at other Hindus while the Muslims and Christians laugh at them and rule over them as always.
Also Hindus are punks, in Pakistan Hindus are totally converted to Islam and Muslims rule using Muslims law and keep the Hindus under their thumb nice and properly.
Here the Hindus are such punks that they cant rule using HIndu law and the Muslims laugh at them and live according to Muslim law even in Hindu country.

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