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LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by Manjula A on Mar 10, 2008 03:49 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

People who support LTTE on this forum haven't met those guys in person. I know some Srilankan Tamils. Some of them may be really rather innocent and want to just make a living. But a good number of them are very dangerous. They do not like the peaceful kind oflife that is being lead in India. They are separatists and if let loose on India, will definitely do much damage to India too. They are very different fromt the Indian Tamils. They have a very violent of Tamil nationalism. Indian Tamils only love their language and culture. Not so with the sri lankan tamils. Beware of them. In fact, I have doubts whether those so sri lankan tamils are tamils really. The harmless guys in Malaysia are very different. They do need support but not the sri lankan tamils. I have reason to believe that some of the reach Tamils in sri lanka even discriminated against Simhalese labourers and exploited them.

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  RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by hindu indian on Mar 10, 2008 04:04 PM   Permalink
we indians support srilankans in the war of terror ....

bravo srilankans ...wipe out these terrorist insects ...wipe out the LTTE ...wipe out each and every tamilian who is asking for seperate tamil state ...we did the same with kashmiris who asked for seperate kashmir ........

we indians are always with you ....keep killing these insects .....wipe these dirty filthy bacteria from the face of earth ...

INDIA should help and support srilankan ...and send troops to wipe the LTTE in one week ...

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  RE:RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by yaaro on Mar 11, 2008 11:00 AM   Permalink
one week..? history man..MIGHTY INDIAN ARMY TOOK 3 years to weaken them...

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  RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by Veluswamy kumaran on Mar 10, 2008 11:48 PM   Permalink
you mentioned, the point that "We indians are with you". Did you ever realized, srilanka was never with india? It is always looking for the ways to pull the rugs for india?

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  RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by yaaro on Mar 11, 2008 11:03 AM   Permalink
I think u read "THE HINDU" news paper daily....ppl who read this paper will talk ONLY like this...check it out N.RAM is a receipient of SRILANKA RATNA...
IAM INDIAN TAMIL...I know SL tamils r dangerous...WHY? bcas they are BROUGHTUP in WAR its natural for them 2 b like general TAMIL RACE is peaceful...ask SL TAMILS who r born before 1970s..

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  RE:RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by yaaro on Mar 11, 2008 11:10 AM   Permalink
ur name says it else can u talk>?..EELAM HINDUS and CHRISTIANS live like'll take another 50 years for u guys to learn the truth...lets see how long ur religion takes u man..!!!

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  RE:RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by LION on Mar 10, 2008 04:34 PM   Permalink
Eelam is hit by - State Terrorism
Kashimir hit by - Cross Border Terrorism

Are you capable enough to understand it and you wantedly create mixups here???

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  RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by LION on Mar 10, 2008 04:09 PM   Permalink
"Indian Tamils only love their language and culture. Not so with the sri lankan tamils. Beware of them."

"In fact, I have doubts whether those so sri lankan tamils are tamils really."

What a bluff????

1. Tamil as a language flourish more comparing to 'Tamil' in rest of the world. Tamil in Eelam poses more fine and pure native voucbularies comparably to other places.

But who are you to tell that and wat do you knwo over tamil to utter that??? Better know you and your root first.

2. The second one is clear Racism and Hatred towards Tamils.

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  RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by hindu indian on Mar 10, 2008 04:17 PM   Permalink
racism ?? that means india should welcome the seperation of kashmir mean the LeT,JeM and other terrorist organisations are freedome fighters as LTTE ...come on give me a break support your community people when they terrorise other country people ...where as you cry and abuse muslims who support the terrorists in kashmir ....

you tamilians are more racists and hate mongers ..

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  RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by LION on Mar 10, 2008 04:27 PM   Permalink

Community, religion or language is not bigger than Humanity.

The whole lot of support and helping hand here is because of 'Innocent people there suffer suppression from the extremist sinhala rulers'

You are Zero over the history of SL and mouth a lot. Sinhalas enacted as many rules sideling native Tamil starting from the day of independence. There were as many planned roits targeting innocent tamils from 1950s. Commissions setup by concecutive Govts had cleared accepted this and what are you here say a different story to all????

Read and give a proper reply. Dont rubbish junk replies pl.

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  RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by Arrow on Mar 10, 2008 11:38 PM   Permalink
Assho, what would you do if ur women are raped and your brothers beaten to death? dont tell me you will support the army that kills them. Before you point fingers at others as racist, question yourself - u also hate a bunch of people for they are tamilians. So you are a racist too and you dont have the rights to point fingers! Correct urself first.

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  RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by mpls on Mar 10, 2008 11:13 PM   Permalink
You Moron...LTTE was formed becoz of Blood shedding riot in 1983.Tamils were burnt,killed and raped.Don't compare Lanka with anything else.Better know the history or else shut your bloody mouth

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LTTE chief makes public appearance