Longtime nuclear commentator Walter C. Patterson noted in 2006 that “Those suffering from nuclear amnesia have forgotten why nuclear power faded from the energy scene in the first place, how many times it has failed to deliver, how often it has disappointed its most determined advocates, how extravagantly it has squandered unparalleled, unstinting support from taxpayers around the world, leaving them with burdens that may last for millennia.” His thorough demolition of today’s generally recycled nuclear arguments is at bbb.waltpatterson.o.r.g.
RE:For Loan shark
by vyas cm on Jun 20, 2008 08:13 AM Permalink
I respond collectively to all negative mails on this.
We are in a situation of very high oil prices. So your references are outdated. The prices of oil will only go up making power generation, energy (electrical as well as fossil based energy) and fuel costs higher.
Everyone gives a standard advice 'someone must' do 'something' about 'such and such' problem. But nobody has a clear idea about what is required or needed. Even Ministers and so called Gurus speak like this, as if we, the public at large, didn't know.
If someone has a better solutio, voice it for God's sake. Don't just pontificate, don't just give opinions and quotes, get on with it decisively.
PM, I am with you. Trash the Commies. Let political compulsion take a back seat for once. DMK may be on anti incumbancy and so may be some other allies. But, PM, if you take this stand, you may just be able to turn the tide against Congress' popularity in favour of Governance, Decisiveness and that is necessary for the Country. C'mon PM.
RE:RE:For Loan shark
by ouch on Jun 20, 2008 08:24 AM Permalink
Just google James P Lovelock and nuclear power, you will get all to know why nuclear power is a must
RE:RE:RE:For Loan shark
by ouch on Jun 20, 2008 08:26 AM Permalink
OIL has a side effect of C02 leading to climate change. Nuclear power has diffrent side-effects. However C02 is more important now because we are irreversibly screwing up earth, nuclear waste dispoal can wait. C02 is more potents than nuclear waste. And why be dependent on a single source for fuels Arabs, we should diversify
RE:For Loan shark
by ouch on Jun 20, 2008 08:03 AM Permalink
in the past OIL was abundant, so there was no need of nuclear power plants considering its risks. But times have changed. OIL has reached a phenomenon called as PEAK OIL where production will start decreasing shortly. Considering PEAK OIL Phenomenon and considering climate change where most of the CO2 is released due to burning of OIL and Coal, nuclear energy is a viable alternative in the short-term or the medium-term, before we really switch to renewable sources of energy even more fully. All sources of energy have drawbacks even renewable sources but you should consider the context and the position the country is in.
Yes, there is the need for an alternative energy source and India is way behind thinking about it. But few points:
1. What percentage of total energy consumption in USA is met by N-power --it cant be more than 10-15%. Why its so less. If USA can do away with its energy need by N-power, then why they want a clout in middle east for oil. Because there are some limitations to N-power.
2. The framework of our N-deal is two prong and hence flawed. Somebody will give u cow, someone else will give grass to feed it, then only u can drink milk.
Reactor from USA and fuel to feed from other countries. What would u do, if NSG in future deny u fuel anymore and u've to pay money to a USA company under the contract to run the reactor.
3. Our scientists never thought how to enrich the large Thorium reserve in our country. or never tried to overcome the technical difficulties..
In addition to that, there is another crazy idea is gripping scientific intelligentsia, thats Cold Fusion. Its like creating energy by fusing atoms (not breaking)- a process same as that occurring in the Sun....
Hell of ideas to fool the world and create energy insecurity to such an extent that they will benefit from doing a business, just as N-deal with India.
Im sure there are two new areas of business is shaping up:
1. Energy- pumping hell of energy insecurity in ur mind. Creating artificial oil deficit and destabilizing the oil market.
2. Environment, carbon credit etc- based on blown out global warming concept