Of all the politicos Manmohan Singh stands out as his own. He is a learned economist, RBI Governer, noted admistrator and a man of inspiring character serving as an example of the kind of people we need in politics to run our country.
I just despise all the major politicians, they may be flashy, good orators and cunning but they are dishonest to the core irrespective of the party they belong to. All parties are full of equally loathsome characters including most of past prime ministers.
I believe in Dr.Manmohan Singh, to be a man of integrity and ethics.
I wish we as a country stood behind men like these. He has the credentials and personality to believe that he is acting in the best interest of India.
RE:Manmohan Singh looks like a decent, trustworthy man.........
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 05:42 AM Permalink
Ramu kaka in my village is also trustworthy but it does not mean a thing. Manmohan has been less than honest in this whole wheeling dealing. He refuses to make public the file related to final draft. why? Moreover learned people do not behave like a servant of Sonia. I think his clean image is a farce. Without Narsimha Rao's cover, he would not have even carried out any reforms.
RE:Manmohan Singh looks like a decent, trustworthy man.........
by Malamaalweekly on Jun 20, 2008 06:01 AM Permalink
Well said, Sameer. Manmohan is not better than any other politician like Lalu. Why Manmohan did not resign last year over nuclear deal? He did not do it because he wanted to enjoy power little bit more. Now he wants to resign because he knows that he has only few more months and then elections have to be called in? Manmohan is shameless person who after occupying the most powerful position always served only as a 'yes man' to Sonia Gandhi.
RE:Manmohan Singh looks like a decent, trustworthy man.........
by Loan Shark on Jun 20, 2008 06:35 AM Permalink
actually Lalu is a great guy ... he has fixed railways!!
RE:Manmohan Singh looks like a decent, trustworthy man.........
by Jayesh Ullattil on Jun 20, 2008 06:02 AM Permalink
forget ramu kaka. who in the world is you? not a great example i should say. manmohan singh might not have gone ahead with reforms had it not been under the cover of narasimharao agreed. so you agree to the fact that the reforms were a good thing after all. here again he might not go ahead with the nuclear deal without support and thats the reason he is asking for it. He has been the RBI governer , finance minsiter, Prime minister. Now what more could be his ambition. At his level he would surely understand he does something right for the country he will be remembered for ages and if not he will be scorned and spat at. dont you think there would be some weight in what he is saying. especially with crude at these levels and our bio fuel situation is quite pathetic doesnt it take drastic steps to counter the energy crisis. What better technology than nuclear to counter the gap for the time being till we build our capabilities on other alternate energy sources / conversions. On one side we oppose price hikes of conventional fuel on the other hand we do not agree to look at nuclear energy. I do agree there are long term bads for the nuclear energy but can it be looked at in the light of the current situation. If that be the case isnt it only right we go ahead with the deal which gives us more leeway in terms of procurement of nuclear fuel from different sources and also access to better technology from the more advanced nuclear nations. whats the flip side?
RE:Manmohan Singh looks like a decent, trustworthy man.........
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 06:06 AM Permalink
Show me how is nuclear nergy cheaper/safer/does not come with political liabilities.