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Root cause of our problems
by Truth on Jul 18, 2008 12:08 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The minimum education qualification required to apply for the post of a Lower Division Clerk in government service is SSC (10th standard pass). The pay scale is around 3000-5000 and it is not easy to get this job. You need to work hard in the PSC test to get in.

But unfortunately in order to become a politician or an MLA or an MP you don’t need any educational qualifications. Better still there are no qualifications required even to become a minister or chief minister. What!??? A position such as Chief minister is so important, yet you don’t even need to pass SSC to command that position? Then how can that person lead a team of highly qualified bureaucrats, or police officers? How can this be even remotely reasonable?

Kerala chief minister was commenting about ex president kalam in such a way that he is another guy who send big rocket(normally children does in diwali) to air. Kerala chief minister did not see 8th standard in his life..

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  RE:Root cause of our problems
by jay pillai on Jul 18, 2008 01:26 PM   Permalink
Kerala CM is a Mad man Please dont talk about him in a sane crowd as the entire crowd will become insane. DOGs Do Bark at The Moon. Where is KALAM and where is this old guy who has lost reasoning

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  RE:Root cause of our problems
by PRASANTHKUMAR M on Jul 18, 2008 12:21 PM   Permalink
Stupid message! Many of billionaire businessmen in the world are/were school/college dropouts! Including Henry Ford, Dhirubhai etc. Hundreds of intellectuals are working under them. Qualification is nothing but knowledge and experience makes a person pefect. Qualification w/o knowledge = '0'

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  RE:Root cause of our problems
by arp on Jul 18, 2008 12:15 PM   Permalink
Manupulation is one degree politicians have.Remember in JMM case three persons were chargesheeted,late Narsimha,Virappa moily and AJIT singh.Virappa is again busy with the crime he cimmited in JMM case when Narsimha asked confidence motion.Killer MPs will support congress.It is bad for MMS image to retain power at any cost.

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  RE:Root cause of our problems
by Ashish Nair on Jul 18, 2008 02:04 PM   Permalink
There is no direct proportion between education and efficiency. I am against communists. But the Kerala CM, he has done some commendable jobs. Only thing is that his party is not allowing him to do anything.

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  RE:Root cause of our problems
by jay pillai on Jul 18, 2008 02:09 PM   Permalink
All he did was to demolish. This is the only thing he knew from the day one and now he is barking at Kalam.All he has done was negative poiltics
His party is a known corporate in Kerala.

He is loosing all credibility day by day

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Where is JMM chief Shibu Soren?