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Root cause of our problems
by Truth on Jul 18, 2008 12:08 PM

The minimum education qualification required to apply for the post of a Lower Division Clerk in government service is SSC (10th standard pass). The pay scale is around 3000-5000 and it is not easy to get this job. You need to work hard in the PSC test to get in.

But unfortunately in order to become a politician or an MLA or an MP you don’t need any educational qualifications. Better still there are no qualifications required even to become a minister or chief minister. What!??? A position such as Chief minister is so important, yet you don’t even need to pass SSC to command that position? Then how can that person lead a team of highly qualified bureaucrats, or police officers? How can this be even remotely reasonable?

Kerala chief minister was commenting about ex president kalam in such a way that he is another guy who send big rocket(normally children does in diwali) to air. Kerala chief minister did not see 8th standard in his life..

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Where is JMM chief Shibu Soren?