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why nuclear deal
by rangdebasanti on Jul 17, 2008 03:52 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Leave the politicians alone. How many of us here use solar power for lighting? If each indian invests Rs 4000.00, he gets his room illuminated free for ever. This way we can save at least 10,000,00 MW. The CFL may need a change after 2 years, which would cost Rs 120.00. The quality of the solar cells increasing day by day.
Where is the mass transportation system? In Europe it is just wonderful.
Coming to nuclear power, the western have been using it since ages. now it is outdated. Believe me, they are destroying the nuclear plants now. I have seen debates in UK about erection of new nuclear plants.
The congress is mad.... they don't have any care for this country...

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  RE:why nuclear deal
by raj on Jul 17, 2008 04:07 PM   Permalink
true. we never speak about solar cells, or energy generation at the micro level. the reason is that government is run like a well oiled an greased machinery. the grease is supplied and applied on government palms all over india. every government choses to adopt this - corrupt or non corrupt. every police station, every passport office, land delas, loans to farmers, education, employment guarantee, postal, customs, jobs, excise, IT, EVERY single sector runs on greased palms.

we love hearing government building a huge damn. they get a huge cut out of it. every tender thats issued virually guarantees a cut to the approving official/ party. thus - party funds/ slush funds bribe are a bane. everyone knows that building small bunds and tanks are beneficial - but the government doesnt encourage it. instead they promise forever to build canals - canals means massive construction and again slush funds from tenders!

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  RE:why nuclear deal
by viswa raveen on Jul 17, 2008 04:04 PM   Permalink
you are correct. Power from Nuclear Plant is passe'. France gets its entire share of powerfor the country only through Nuclear Plants. We are too late to get into this game. In a matter of few years , say atleast in ten yeras, the world will be chasing alternate source of energy. Meanwhile we would have commissioned many Plants at great cost. The Nuclear guys will always cheer for Nuclear. No use asking them. They are like Car sales guys. Our gains through this deal (n if it goes thru) is only minimal at huge cost. We need to embrace the new technologies at cost very soon.

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Is the N-deal good? Debate rages