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why nuclear deal
by rangdebasanti on Jul 17, 2008 03:52 PM

Leave the politicians alone. How many of us here use solar power for lighting? If each indian invests Rs 4000.00, he gets his room illuminated free for ever. This way we can save at least 10,000,00 MW. The CFL may need a change after 2 years, which would cost Rs 120.00. The quality of the solar cells increasing day by day.
Where is the mass transportation system? In Europe it is just wonderful.
Coming to nuclear power, the western have been using it since ages. now it is outdated. Believe me, they are destroying the nuclear plants now. I have seen debates in UK about erection of new nuclear plants.
The congress is mad.... they don't have any care for this country...

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Is the N-deal good? Debate rages